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Behind the scenes

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 3.3K
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I found some interesting photos taken behind the scenes during some quite famous films, and thought I'd share them. Might be of interest to some of the movie buffs out there. I'll try and put the film title next to each one, although feel free to correct me if you spot any mistakes (I won't necessarily know which "Star Wars" film a particular photo is from, for example).
2001: A Space Odyssey

A Clockwork Orange


Apocalypse Now

Avengers Assemble

Bad Boys

Black Swan

limbs444 finds this awesome.
Blues Brothers



Childs Play

Dark Knight Rises (Batman)

Dark Shadows


Edward Scissorhands

The Empire Strikes Back (Star Wars)


Fight Club

Forrest Gump

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