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Ask Me Anything

Starter: Diz-X Posted: 4 years ago Views: 6.0K
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Lvl 25
Originally posted by 0ghash
I just got my 13 year badge (albeit with several years inactive) given you're the founder you've been here longer than all, so what's the best avatar you've seen? And have you even seen a woman that just made you go wow and still sticks in the memory being posted on here?

Best avatar, I have seen so many. I always loved the animated ones with a dark humor twist. Back in the day dark humor wasn't a cancelable/bannable offense haha.

Problem having a site like this, things stop to impress you over the years. Everything becomes normalized, to the degree it doesn't really impact anymore. I am a sucker for blonde/natural redhead/brunettes with petite body type around 158cm to 168cm, the girly types.
Lvl 28
Your sexuality has taken off with the moment of a runaway freight train, how do you deal with both the pure physical prowess of an alpha; coupled with the deep, reflective person you are, is there conflict in the form of ass kickins, or just peaceful conversations about the virtue of man?

Rub your oiled head all over me.
DEMO, Diz-X find this awesome.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Diz-X
I have never been real good in marketing, WBW was just luck I think and being one of the first of it's kind. I would even pay for somebody to do good marketing, problem is I have been multiple times scammed by people who said they could increase revenue.

Have you though of maybe creating a team for wbw to do light marketing, like you have mods helping you for free, may be mods for a little free marketing.

Originally posted by Diz-X
The "takedown" on porn sites is not really thing, it has been the same when I started WBW. What big sites are doing is dropping the amateur stuff because they can't earn a lot of money on it. They lose advertisers the moment some controversial happens, the lose a lot of money on that. It's the same reason why YouTube is purging creators, they want to be more of a netflix. They can control more what is on and don't have to worry about advertisers pulling ads.

Sounds to me like a huge porn site opportunity is happening, all those people who are not happy about these changes on the big porn sites, may be its something you can capitalize on.

Originally posted by Diz-X
Yep, I have A.D.D. (ADHD). It has benefits, but sometimes I wish I could control it. Most problems I have in my daily life is: Structure, heavy atypical panic disorder, memory issues, constant muscle tension, sleeping problems, difficulties keeping social contacts, always tired.

Did you ever get some books on A.D.D (ADHD) not pop psychology books, but actual books written by real psychologists, I had a friend with OCD, told him to get the book OCD for dummies, totally changed his life, its helps to have a deep understanding of your disorders and what you can do about it.
Your problems might also be a product of your life style or diet ( like a mild hidden food allergy), try some supplements to see if helps, take a vitamin D ever day (nature made is good brand), take a turmeric pill (small does) after break fast, get some multi collagen supplement ( a good brand like "ancient nutrition" ) . check out the book "the ultra mind solution" by mark hyman M.D.

for structure you can read (No Excuses by brian tracy).
sounds like you might also be over worked, "four hour work week" by tim ferriss

also try mediation, 10 minutes a day, can be a real game changer.

Originally posted by Diz-X
Yep, and that is sometimes a really hard realization. My divorce is 4 years ago, I have been blamed for a lot. Lost almost everything in the process. Luckily me and my ex wife are on good terms for over a year now. Still I have never been so alone and disconnected from the world in my life. I have learned to coop with it, as I don't see my situation changing very soon. Dating is a nightmare. For a lot of girls you are only good enough if you got a lot of money and provide everything they want. Evolution at it's best

Do you guys have MGTOW's in your areas, may be make a few MGTOW friends to hang with.

Originally posted by Diz-X
Thank you for your compliment, it means a lot to me. The music is just for fun, not going to seriously invest the time in it. One of my main problems is that I can get really depressed if a song doesn't sound the way I wanted it too or have difficulties with inspiration. Reason I stopped back in the day when I had a music career as a Product/DJ, mostly Trance/Techno/Hardstyle.

Well if you get lonely, find a few musicians in the same boat as you and start a band.
* This post has been modified : 4 years ago
Diz-X finds this awesome.
1`can you bring back quote pyramids?
DEMO, Diz-X find this awesome.
Originally posted by InvisibleGod
1`can you bring back quote pyramids?

Well it's been a week, i guess you ain't getting an answer bro....
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Honda_X
Your sexuality has taken off with the moment of a runaway freight train, how do you deal with both the pure physical prowess of an alpha; coupled with the deep, reflective person you are, is there conflict in the form of ass kickins, or just peaceful conversations about the virtue of man?

. <3 Love you too Honda, my little frog friend.
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by ElonMusk
Have you though of maybe creating a team for wbw to do light marketing, like you have mods helping you for free, may be mods for a little free marketing.

Yeah, money is a issue. I never want people to do stuff for free, or without being compensated. I want things to be equal. If somebody can help WBW grow bigger, I would certainly pay for growth. Something like affiliating. I am always open for ideas, but personally I think those ideas can better be talked about in private.

Originally posted by ElonMusk
Sounds to me like a huge porn site opportunity is happening, all those people who are not happy about these changes on the big porn sites, may be its something you can capitalize on.

The amateur space is opening up slowly, and yes I have a lot of ideas. Maybe even adding ability for models to start earn money in the future. Again the issue with that is money, most of my problems these days is just getting enough to pay my bills and keep everything running. Home schooling the kids doesn't help with the time you have to expand and work on everything.

Originally posted by ElonMusk
Did you ever get some books on A.D.D (ADHD) not pop psychology books, but actual books written by real psychologists, I had a friend with OCD, told him to get the book OCD for dummies, totally changed his life, its helps to have a deep understanding of your disorders and what you can do about it.
Your problems might also be a product of your life style or diet ( like a mild hidden food allergy), try some supplements to see if helps, take a vitamin D ever day (nature made is good brand), take a turmeric pill (small does) after break fast, get some multi collagen supplement ( a good brand like "ancient nutrition" ) . check out the book "the ultra mind solution" by mark hyman M.D.

for structure you can read (No Excuses by brian tracy).
sounds like you might also be over worked, "four hour work week" by tim ferriss

also try mediation, 10 minutes a day, can be a real game changer.

After my divorce about 4/5 years back I have been in a real dark place, attempted to commit suicide couple of times. As I was falling down harder and harder, I realized I didn't want my kids to grow up without a father and I needed to be an example of how to overcome hardships and I needed to be there for them. The doctor send me to the leading ADHD/ADD psychiatrist in the Netherlands. From there I followed therapy to get control over myself, and my hardships. I still fight everyday with myself, mostly the loneliness (as I have to do everything alone, my family/friends lives about +45 minutes by car from where I live, I don't have a partner). Learning to love yourself is a difficult thing, but I keep fighting.

I take vitamin D, B12, Zinc, Magnesium and some other supplements that should help with my health. I take antidepressant (for my atypical panic disorder) and ADHD medication.

I am overworked, I haven't had a vacation in 5 years. Most important is to keep things going and don't fall into financial troubles.

My mind is like a bouncing ball, meditation has never been a thing for me. Funny thing is most people see me as a calm person, if they only knew what my mind is like haha.

Originally posted by ElonMusk
Do you guys have MGTOW's in your areas, may be make a few MGTOW friends to hang with.[/reply

I had to look up the term "MGTOW", have never heard of it before. I have a lot of difficulties to keep social contacts these days. I have removed my self from social media like Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, ect. I don't want to support companies who are destroying freedom and working towards a totalitarian world. I only use Discord, Signal, Telegram, and a little bit instagram purely for my music (no personal stuff).

[reply=ElonMusk]Well if you get lonely, find a few musicians in the same boat as you and start a band.

Loneliness is mostly these days because of no partner and nothing to work towards with somebody. The whole lockdowns and the world collapsing isn't helping much haha.

So there you have a really honest reply on my shit that is happening, I don't see myself as a victim. It's something I have to go through and become stronger and more stable. Everybody has their own problems to deal with, luckily I don't have any addictions or other huge problems. Only loneliness and money problems, nothing that can't be fixed haha.
ElonMusk, brewskins find this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by InvisibleGod
1`can you bring back quote pyramids?

I removed it because it got out of control . I see it as chapter of the past, new things to come
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by InvisibleGod
Well it's been a week, i guess you ain't getting an answer bro....

Have been really busy with the whole home schooling and trying to keep the company running, I always want to take the time to respond to something in a good way. Not a simple, yes or no.
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Diz-X
Yeah, money is a issue. I never want people to do stuff for free, or without being compensated. I want things to be equal. If somebody can help WBW grow bigger, I would certainly pay for growth. Something like affiliating. I am always open for ideas, but personally I think those ideas can better be talked about in private.

Well money isn't the only way you can pay them back, value for value, you can give them points for the site and stuff like that.
Here's some random brain storm ideas.
1- have a advertisement contest for the site, first place winner gets 5,000 points, second place 3,000 and so on. contest would be to make a commercial, and post it on social media and the net, the one that gets the most views and likes wins, got to have strict rules on where the commercials can be posted, to avoid showing the advertising to children and stuff like that.
2- Cam Girls, why not have cam girls on the site, and you get a cut of the money.
3 - increase the forums, have more forums, you got a forum for cars, but how many people does that really draw in, how much traffic does that really bring in, adding other topics that attract an audience here might help, what other things do boys want other then porn, video games, music, sports, movies, comics, etc... people only get on porn sites when they are horny, but there are so any other things men also want.

Originally posted by Diz-X
The amateur space is opening up slowly, and yes I have a lot of ideas. Maybe even adding ability for models to start earn money in the future. Again the issue with that is money, most of my problems these days is just getting enough to pay my bills and keep everything running. Home schooling the kids doesn't help with the time you have to expand and work on everything.

Money seems to be a big problem for you, I'm going to send you a pm, there's a book and forum I want you to check out, these 2 things might be life changing for you.

Originally posted by Diz-X
After my divorce about 4/5 years back I have been in a real dark place, attempted to commit suicide couple of times. As I was falling down harder and harder, I realized I didn't want my kids to grow up without a father and I needed to be an example of how to overcome hardships and I needed to be there for them. The doctor send me to the leading ADHD/ADD psychiatrist in the Netherlands. From there I followed therapy to get control over myself, and my hardships. I still fight everyday with myself, mostly the loneliness (as I have to do everything alone, my family/friends lives about +45 minutes by car from where I live, I don't have a partner). Learning to love yourself is a difficult thing, but I keep fighting.

Glad you didn't kill your self, that's always a bitch way out, your kids will always need you to be alive, even when they become teenagers and hate you, because hating your parents is like that thing to do now a days, keep fighting every day and do you best until you die of natural cause, when your an old old man.

Originally posted by Diz-X
I take vitamin D, B12, Zinc, Magnesium and some other supplements that should help with my health. I take antidepressant (for my atypical panic disorder) and ADHD medication.

coq10 is great too.

Originally posted by Diz-X
My mind is like a bouncing ball, meditation has never been a thing for me. Funny thing is most people see me as a calm person, if they only knew what my mind is like haha.

well that's the whole point of mediation, to just let everything go for 10 minutes.

Originally posted by Diz-X
Loneliness is mostly these days because of no partner and nothing to work towards with somebody. The whole lockdowns and the world collapsing isn't helping much haha.

Originally posted by Diz-X
So there you have a really honest reply on my shit that is happening, I don't see myself as a victim. It's something I have to go through and become stronger and more stable. Everybody has their own problems to deal with, luckily I don't have any addictions or other huge problems. Only loneliness and money problems, nothing that can't be fixed haha.

yes and to be honest once you have money the loneliness will easily go away, because value attracts women, the more wealth you have the more women you will have.
Lvl 21
Originally posted by ElonMusk
once you have money the loneliness will easily go away

There are many historic examples of this being a flawed theory.
F1098, dogdude find this awesome.
Lvl 8
Is there anyway of getting an old deleted account back? Before this account I had another same user name from 2004/5 but wanted to delete some content I had uploaded.
Lvl 10
Good Morning Diz-X from the Florida.

I found your site shortly after i got married 17 years ago. I can assure you, if i found your site before i got married, i would never have walked down the isle. This site is truly amazing. It is NOT gross, malicious towards women, or overtly sadistic in sexual nature. In my humble opinion it has the right mix of beautiful girls in all kinds of poses and situations. I visit your site almost every day when i get to work and it creates calm where my job creates ciaos. Although i am just a voyeur, i truly appreciate the hard work everyone has done to add content and keep things moving forward. So, from Florida , a big hearty hand shake for a great site.
The_Sentinel, robert98597, kowman, Teensandcocks and 1 other(s) find this awesome.
Lvl 10
ok, quick question.

what is the percentage of girls to guys on this site and what country has the highest percentage of viewers .. thanks
Lvl 4
Originally posted by hydrahead
There are many historic examples of this being a flawed theory.

Your thinking in absolute terms, you will be able to find millions of examples in history, but I'll be able to find billions of examples to counter that, what I said is correct around 98% of the time, money (wealth), looks (good genes), fame (social status), and a whole bunch of other things really help, money AlsoKnownAs-(wealth, power, resources, freedom, choice, control) makes most things in life easier and better.
* This post has been modified : 4 years ago
[Deleted] finds this awesome.
Lvl 22
Uhm, there seem to be a lot of posts made, asking for ID´s and more pictures of different women, same theme for most of those threads, pictures posted are without the faces. In other words, how on earth are we supposed to help?
I know its different accounts making the posts, but it feels like its the same person, something just seems fishy about it.

Is it something you could look into?
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