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Starter: renoco Posted: 14 years ago Views: 882
Lvl 7
i have been seeing like 4 different brands of abisinthe around town at different liquer stores, but they are expensive and i was wondering if anyone knew the best abisinthe to buy in the states ?
Lvl 21
Iv had this kind (probably didn't drink it the correct way) all i did was take shots of it. i was a mess.

Its the only kind iv tried
Lvl 7
try this site, my buddy told me about it and he says they are one the mark
Lvl 14
The best absinthe you will find is either scottish or french. Absinthe is actually illegal in a lot of countries due to the fact that they say it is a hallucinogenic if you consume enough. They also say van gogh cut his ear off because he was on a absinthe high. As for JSteel - everyone ends up a mess on absinthe!

Bad stuff man!
Lvl 24
is there really a correct way to drink it?

also, im confused if renoco has been seeing it in the states because i thought it was illegal here...
Lvl 29
Absinthe is now legal in the US but I believe it has little or no wormwood.
Lvl 26
There are plenty of different kinds. I lived in Europe for a couple of years and the kind that's a hallucinogenic is illegal here but they also have different kinds over there that don't have the wormwood so I wouldn't be surprised if that was legal here. I can't help though because I've never drank it in the U.S. and the stuff I had in Europe was definitely illegal here.

As far as the correct way to drink it, I'm pretty sure with the good stuff you're supposed to boil it with sugar to make it drinkable. I remember seeing a movie where they heated it up with sugar in a spoon, kind of like what you see people do with heroin (minus the sugar).
Lvl 24
There's two or three types of "fake" absinthe, like "Absenta" and "Absente." So, make sure that you're actually going to buy Absinthe.

Also, refrain from purchasing any Absinthe with other words associated with it, like "superior" or "refined" or some such word. It's a way for companies to sell liquor to people that want Absinthe, that isn't actually Absinthe.


If I remember correctly, recent research has prompted the Government to reduce restrictions on Absinthe, because it's been proven that the wormwood isn't as hallucinogenic as once believed, you're still not allowed to purchase Absinthe with more than a certain amount of wormwood, though. If I remember correctly.

As for drinking:
Absinthe has a heavy licorice flavor, and so you're supposed to louche the drink with ice cold water to help release the other flavors.

The sugar is used to sweeten and reduce the bitterness of the Anise, I believe.
Lvl 7
Yea I have tried the fake Absinthe like 2 years ago it was nasty, but my friend had it and offered me a cup. But yea I think absinthe has been legal in the states for like at least a year now. I have seen two kinds at the liquor store today (I was there to buy a girl I know nuvo for her birthday) one was Lucid but it’s expensive like $65 a 750 ml bottle but it doesn’t have thujone come to think of it I don’t think any US product has that and another much cheaper kind but I can think of the name, but I probly will just save some money up and order true absinthe from overseas. Thanks for your input guys; I appreciate all your thoughts.
Lvl 24
Originally posted by Bangledesh


If I remember correctly, recent research has prompted the Government to reduce restrictions on Absinthe, because it's been proven that the wormwood isn't as hallucinogenic as once believed, you're still not allowed to purchase Absinthe with more than a certain amount of wormwood, though. If I remember correctly.

well that sounds just like the government... pissing all over our fun :P