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8-ball pool (online game)

Starter: The_Sentinel Posted: 6 years ago Views: 1.0K
Lvl 81
Does anyone here play the Miniclip 8-ball pool game (desktop or phone app)? They have a team competition thing now where each club tries to outscore another.

Anyway, I’ve set up a WBW club (called simply “WBW” ) which I’m sure you can search for in the menu. Would be good to see a few fellow members join & help with the points total.
* This post has been modified : 6 years ago
Lvl 8
i play have you got a link?
Lvl 81
Originally posted by Welshman
i play have you got a link?

I think you just need to go to the "join cub/league" bit of the game and then search for "WBW". There's no link I can send unfortunately.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by The_Sentinel

I think you just need to go to the "join cub/league" bit of the game

Ah ok, i don't see that option in my account unfortunately but good luck anyway