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16 and Pregnant is Fucking Hilarious.

Starter: Honda_X Posted: 13 years ago Views: 6.4K
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Lvl 18
Excellent read Honda, but I don't think I can bring myself to invest an hour in this show. I think your recap is probably spot on. I don't think I have watched anything on MTV since the second or third Real World season. EL, that LeBron story is gold.
Honda....I've missed you.

While I don't agree with everything, just to see a new Honda rant makes me smile. Good work Sir.
Lvl 111
the name of this site is "WHAT BOYS WANT" i may not be speaking for all the other guys that truly enjoy all the babes on here but really have no desire to view this type of subject matter. if you are a guy or girl that finds this interesting then my best to you. sorry if this angers the one that posted the materiel. i know you meant well but i just don't think it belongs here.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by doolittle

the name of this site is "WHAT BOYS WANT" i may not be speaking for all the other guys that truly enjoy all the babes on here but really have no desire to view this type of subject matter. if you are a guy or girl that finds this interesting then my best to you. sorry if this angers the one that posted the materiel. i know you meant well but i just don't think it belongs here.

It's The Lounge bud, if you don't like it... don't read it.

Pretty simple.
Lvl 25
O my god, my girlfriend used to watch this show when she got pregnant! ARG! Still have the nightmares... Most of those girls are so damn stupid...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Diz-X

O my god, my girlfriend used to watch this show when she got pregnant! ARG! Still have the nightmares... Most of those girls are so damn stupid...

...So uhh..your girlfriend isn't 16 is she?

*raises eyebrow*

Originally posted by doolittle

the name of this site is "WHAT BOYS WANT" i may not be speaking for all the other guys that truly enjoy all the babes on here but really have no desire to view this type of subject matter. if you are a guy or girl that finds this interesting then my best to you. sorry if this angers the one that posted the materiel. i know you meant well but i just don't think it belongs here.

Everyone is entitled to an opinion dude...if I were a petty man, I would roll into one of your awesome threads, or back through some of your hot uploads and give you the business. Just let me give your profile a little look see...

*sucks air through teeth*

Oh...well I guess I'll have to just not be petty.

@SP: What didn't you agree with? Watching pregnant teenagers isn't fucking hilarious? Are you made of stone missy?

@Mr_S.D, Aureusdos, wjw, FamilyGuy: Glad you guys liked it.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Honda_X

Everyone is entitled to an opinion dude...if I were a petty man, I would roll into one of your awesome threads, or back through some of your hot uploads and give you the business. Just let me give your profile a little look see...

*sucks air through teeth*

Oh...well I guess I'll have to just not be petty.

Why you hatin'? He's had a solid 18 forum posts in 5 years to go with his zero uploads. That's almost 4 posts per year, man. And he blessed your thread with one of them.

I find it oddly fitting that his name is "Doolittle"

But seriously, if you don't like it, you can just go to the other thousandy-five threads that are chock full of womens and bewbs and whatnot.

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, some dudes actually enjoy funny conversation and original threads that don't consist of the same 12 pictures of some trollop that has been reposted on the internet infinity times across hundreds of thousands of sites.
I stopped watching MTV in 1983 and all television a couple of years later...
Lvl 28
@EL: He was probably just upset this thread lacked pictures of pregnant 16 year olds...
Lvl 59
For some reason I keep thinking of that scene in "The Departed"

Random: "Who the fuck are you?"

Me: "I'm the guy with 30,000 forum posts and 10,000 babe uploads. You must be the other guy."
Originally posted by Intro-mission

I stopped watching MTV in 1983 and all television a couple of years later...

What have you done for the last 25 years????
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Sugarpie

What have you done for the last 25 years????

I think he's fibbing. Because I think THIS is a Ren & Stimpy reference. Which I'm pretty sure is a post-1983 television program.
According to Wikipedia Ren & Spimpy ran from '91 to ' he's a liar liar pants on fire!
Lvl 22
Originally posted by EricLindros


Why you hatin'? He's had a solid 18 forum posts in 5 years to go with his zero uploads. That's almost 4 posts per year, man. And he blessed your thread with one of them.

I find it oddly fitting that his name is "Doolittle"

But seriously, if you don't like it, you can just go to the other thousandy-five threads that are chock full of womens and bewbs and whatnot.

Whether you want to acknowledge it or not, some dudes actually enjoy funny conversation and original threads that don't consist of the same 12 pictures of some trollop that has been reposted on the internet infinity times across hundreds of thousands of sites.

Harsh but to the point. (may I use parts of that as I see fit?)
Lvl 111
it seems my comment was'nt well recieved. OH WELL, all i can say to that is that if you were one of those with an ugly rebuttal for you to get over yourselves. you may be moderators but that don't cut any slack with me. this is an open forum and as such you have the right to post anything you want to. but i also have the right to voice my opinion on what you post. i made no reference to you in my comment at all. good day to you all
Lvl 28
It's okay champ, no hard feelins...
Lvl 59
I don't often complain about shitty posts

But when I do, I do it in fun.
Lvl 28
Stay borderline retarded, my friends.
Lvl 16
You wrote a doctoral thesis!
Lvl 21
I don't own a TV anymore but I've heard about this shit. I know it's MTV, but hell, why can't they give good advices about pills/condom and shit. I was a teenager in the (early) 90's, at that time, AIDS was really frightening everybody, it was described as a plague, and TV shows targeted to us (and news show) were really insisting about the importance of protection, both against STDs and pregnancy. I couldn't watch MTV at that time, but I'm pretty sure that in the “darkest hours” of the epidemy, they must have broadcast some shows about it. Now it's “pregnancy is cool”.

On another hand, I've heard about “Teen Mum” for another reason, apparently, the show had broadcast a sequence where a “teen mom” was beating up the father, and nobody reacted to that.
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