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[PARANORMAL] Scary/Creepy Stories + Pics Thread

Starter: Kanzen Posted: 16 years ago Views: 17.1K
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Lvl 14
^now that would be scary, man some of those stories just gave me the creeps. like the mirror one... damn it why am i alone in a dark room reading this stuff
Lvl 13
Originally posted by wolfp4ck

Anybody know the best way to get shit stains out of underwear?

I'm sure Kanzen's avatar would know how to get out tough stains looks like shes done a load of washing or two in her time...
Lvl 25
In September 2006 it was reported in Nature that Shahar Arzy and colleagues of the University Hospital, Geneva, Switzerland, had unexpectedly reproduced an effect strongly reminiscent of the doppelgänger phenomenon via the electromagnetic stimulation of a patient's brain. They applied focal electrical stimulation to a patient's left temporoparietal junction while she lay flat on a bed. The patient immediately felt the presence of another person in her "extrapersonal space". Other than epilepsy, for which the patient was being treated, she was psychologically fit.

The other person was described as young, of indeterminate sex, silent, motionless, and with a body posture identical to her own. The other person was located exactly behind her, almost touching and therefore within the bed that the patient was lying on.

A second electrical stimulation was applied with slightly more intensity, while the patient was sitting up with her arms folded. This time the patient felt the presence of a "man" who had his arms wrapped around her. She described the sensation as highly unpleasant and electrical stimulation was stopped.

Finally, when the patient was seated, electrical stimulation was applied while the patient was asked to perform language test with a set of flash cards. On this occasion the patient reported the presence of a sitting person, displaced behind her and to the right. She said that the presence was attempting to interfere with the test: "He wants to take the card; he doesn’t want me to read." Again, the effect was disturbing and electrical stimulation was ceased.

Similar effects were found for different positions and postures when electrical stimulation exceeded 10 mA, at the left temporoparietal junction.

Arzy and his colleagues suggest that the left temporoparietal junction of the brain evokes the sensation of self image—body location, position, posture etc. When the left temporoparietal junction is disturbed, the sensation of self-attribution is broken and may be replaced by the sensation of a foreign presence or copy of oneself displaced nearby. This copy mirrors the real person's body posture, location and position. Arzy and his colleagues suggest that the phenomenon they created is seen in certain mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, particularly when accompanied by paranoia, delusions of persecution and of alien control. Nevertheless, the effects reported are highly reminiscent of the doppelgänger phenomenon. Accordingly, some reports of doppelgängers may well be due to failure of the left temporoparietal junction.

Lvl 25
Lvl 20
as much as i hate to admit it this is a real good post....i just wish there were more believable stories...i hate how most of them are "so and so did this or went there, and then all this stuff starts happening, then so and so is never heard from again..." so how the hell did the story get out?? lol
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen


re phildelphia experiment...

very very cool story.

bit more creepiness?? if you copy a line or so of this text and google it the page has been deleted upon which this story was posted. meaningless? maybe.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by HowToKill/x/ !eHtHhTTM12

Chapter 16 - And The Wolves

I was supervising cleanup of the USS Tigerlily in the Sargasso Sea when I was informed via radio of the Carne Organization's newest client, an American plantation owner in northern Argentina. The owner, one J. Dillon, was requesting a consultation regarding the disappearance of his cattle and gauchos. Dillon placed the blame on the "chupacabra", a laughable creature even to this cryptologist. Nevertheless, he put up all necessary cash for the investigation and I dutifully boarded a ship for South America.

Arriving in Buenos Aires I stopped at the local Carne Bureau and requistioned a Thompson submachine gun and several 100 round drums. I drew out a M1911 .45 and one BMW R35 dressed with a holster for the Tommy gun and leather riding bags. It was several hours through soft, wet roads into the Formosa province and I spent nearly two hours trying to find a road into the Dillon ranch once I confirmed its location.

On the ride in I noticed some perculiarites. Firstly, the bodies of cattle were dragged to the road and left there to rot. Stopping the bike and examining the carcasses at a close distance I discovered all of them, without exception, had died by biting and slash wounds. The chupacabra's modus operandi was vampiric: a small bite which slowly drained the body of all its blood. It was plainly obvious here that the cattle were not killed for their blood or even perhaps for sustenance. I marked that our most likely culprit was a fast moving creature, weighing somewhere over 14 stone, possessing incredible strength and viciousness but a certain lack of purpose. I was examining, in short, the work of a werewolf.

I was waved into a detached garage where I parked my motorbike and escorted by a prim, bushy-eyed man into the manor proper, a fabulously built Tudor-style house of three apparent floors and almost two dozen windows facing out into the grounds above the front door. This half-timbered monument to Dillon's wealth appeared sinister against the dark flashes of lightening in the distance. A light rain began to fall as the waitingman escorted me to the front door and, pausing for ceremony, opened it for me.

The house felt oddly constraining and tight, the walls adorned with ancient-looking landscapes and the detritus of what seemed to be oil-drilling equipment. Occasionally I could make out a cob-web, it appeared that my client's obvious wealth did not translate into cleanliness by any means. I was shown to a small but well-furnished room with a rolltop desk and a canopied bed and told dinner would be served shortly.

Dillon met me at a massive and unnecessarily-long mahogany dining table in an ill-lit and musty corner of the house. He was a frail looking man with a long, pale face and bruises along his wrists and a healing scar just below his lower lip. He apologized for his appearance-citing a cut obtained while shaving and the intensity of the grieving widow of one of his gauchos- and asked me to sit. I obeyed.

His summary of the case presented me with little I didn't already know. He explained that all of the deaths occurred while he was asleep in the master bedroom or working in his study. He didn't supervise the day-to-day operations of the ranch, leaving that to a foreman named Talavera, but did consider all of his employees children of his, in a way. They all lived on the ranch and he offered them free room and board so long as their work remained satisfactory and provided they voted as he directed in local elections. I broached rather tentatively the topic of werewolves and he swiftly shot it down, replying that the murders had occurred on nights where the moon was new, or waning. I did not think it prudent to tell him that the "full moon" aspect of werecreatures was a polite fiction.

The meal was a delicious rare steak (I noticed with some curiousity that my host took his steak blue) and well-prepared bake potatoes. I ate well, having built up a hunger from my cross-country travel, and took brandy with my host in his study.

"I spent most of my young life interested in the Occult. I confess I am deeply jealous of your career, Mr. Stanton."

I asked him what precluded his work in the field.

"A jealous father."

He left it at that. I felt I had struck a strong nerve and shortly thereafter excused myself for bed.

That night I awoke to the sound of howling. I swore- certain my host to be its source- and dressed quickly. I made my way into the garage, drew the Thompson out of its holster, and walked out into the plains.

It was a sultry black night, and though the rain had stopped, a strong fog covered the green and yellow grass under my feet. I could see only about ten feet in front of me in all directions and regretted instantly that I had not brought any silver rounds. I wouldn't be able to kill the creature in its current state, but I could certainly wound it, and once wounded, it could be trapped. I could hear the howling again, this time closer, and I started towards that direction, chambering a round. It was a tense few moments before I heard a growl to my right.

I spun, and fired into the darkness. The creature yelped and moved forward. I took it in. It was a black, feral looking wolf, streaked with white and red. Its eyes were a fierce and wild yellow, and it stalked forward with a deliberate anger. I fired a short burst- only three rounds- and the creature jumped, recoiling from the bullets. It then turned and limped off. I fired after it, but after a long watch spent alone on the fields I heard no more howling.

Once the sun rose I demanded to see Dillon. He appeared almost immediately, dressed in a three piece suit and wearing a fedora, smoking a pipe. I was stunned to see him apparently unwounded. In all of my studies I had never heard of a werewolf healing this quickly. My assumption was false, and, perhaps out of bitterness, I questioned the man about his whereabouts nonetheless. He had awoken last night to the sound of gunfire, and, too nervous to investigate in his infirm and elderly state spent the rest of the night reading. His account was completely believable and left me frustrated and embarrassed. I spent the day asking for proper silverware, filing bits of the metal off of forks and knives and coating the inside of the barrel of the Thompson with them. At best, the first ten or so rounds would possess minute amounts of silver, after that the work would be decidedly less simple.

"Precisely how much have you achieved since shooting up my ranch last night, Mr. Stanton?"
I replied that I was whittling down a list of suspects and could at the very least confirm it was a werewolf.

"And now you've ruined a perfectly good set of silverware in order to slay this beast, eh? I suppose when all is said and done I will be left with a corpse riddled with bullets and your assertion that the problem is dealt with."

I offered that if my service was unsatisfactory he could always enlist the help of another organization. Perhaps the government would take an interest in the murders.

"Now now, no one need be hostile here. I was only ensuring your authenticity, and it has been proved to me."

That night I swallowed two capsules of amphetamines and, riding my bike into the fields, waited.

The pleasant feeling of acuity and awareness the drugs gave me, along with the security and speed the bike afforded me swelled up in me as I waited. It was a few disappointing hours in the fog later that I heard the first howl. I started the bike up and drove in its direction.
I passed by a tattered suit. I heard the shouts in Spanish of gauchos as I came near a rundown shack next to a long running divot in the field. I parked the bike on the lip of the divot and carried the gun towards the shack. Inside I could hear a man speaking with calm authority and knew him to be the foreman, Talavera. I kicked open the door and found inside an unspeakable horror.

Chained to stakes driven in the dirt floor were two children, one of whom had been grievously wounded. They were babbling incoherently as fur began to sprout up along their skin. Chained down in the corner in a similar manner was a full-grown man (I did not recognize him as the waitingman who had led me into the mansion immediately), nude and shivering, his teeth already beginning to spike out in the form of fangs. In front of them, bearing a Remington pump shotgun, was Talavera. He identified himself to me in broken English and told me in his native tongue that it was not my business to deal with these people. He noted with sadness that the children were his, and that the waitingman was his brother.

"And the wolves?" I asked.

"I can keep them at bay."

I could barely contain my disgust and horror at the fact that I had nearly shot and killed a child. At the same time I knew beyond a shadow of any doubt that Talavera was a poor keeper of these things and that any chance of remedy for them was long gone.

I explained this to him while their transformation became more plain. Their ears began to perk up, their eyes shifting and widening out. Paws and forelimbs became discernible. I wouldn't wish the sight on any father.

I raised my weapon as they began to bark in rage. He leveled the shotgun at me and took a protective step backwards towards his children- too far backwards- and one of them took a deep piece out of his calf. He screamed and fell to his knees and the wounded one began to feed on the tender part of his back. Soon he was barely alive, the gun discarded on the floor.

It was difficult, but I killed the waitingman and the (relatively) healthy child. The wounded one, however, I had special plans for.

It barked and snapped at me when I came close, looking up from its paternal meal. I swung the butt of the Thompson and rendered it unconscious, I then bound its jaw and tied up its forepaws.

I hitched it in an ungainly manner along the back of my bike and drove the short distance to the manor. I carried it uncomfortably into the house and up to the master bedroom. I entered without knocking, dragging the creature in behind me. Dillon awoke with a start and let out a feminine wail. I fired a round into the ceiling and the beast awoke, roaring in rage.
"Is this proof enough of my authenticity?" I asked him.

He began to jabber insults and half-hearted threats. I responded to this by dragging the creature (who tried but failed to get a piece out of my arm) closer to the bed.
"Yes! Yes!" he pleaded. I drew a chair from his desk and sat, legs crossed, for the next three hours till dawn.

That morning the wolf reverted. Dillon was crowing is agony but unable to rise out of bed. A shy, brown-haired girl, suffering from many gunshot wounds, bound by the mouth, hands, and feet, looked up at us. I handed him the .45 and enjoined him to become an expert in the field of the paranormal. It was only after much protesting that he fired the gun.

I told him his bill would be forthcoming, and that he would be recompensed for his silverware. I gassed up the bike and drove back to Buenos Aires.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by /x/

ever since i was a child my family would drive down to my father ancestral home. It was a 12hour drive that often finds us in the middle of nowhere in the dead of the night..

one thing that i noticed about my father as he drove, is that whenever night came and we passed a bridge he would honk the car's horn..
small bridges, large bridges, wood or steel, hed never miss honking twice on evry bridge..

so i asked him: "Why are you honking? theres no reason to do so.."
he replied in a quiet tone: "so that we can pass"

years have passed since that conversation, and we have repeated the trip every summer.. and my father never fails to honk at every bridge.

The summer after i got my license i volunteered to trade places with my father halfway through the drive.

when i took the wheel it was around 2am.
so i drove into the darkness..
trees, shacks, and fields passed on either side of the car..

I was feeling good, the night air refreshing me.
That was until i came to the first bridge.

My father was sleeping in the passenger seat, the exhaustion finally getting to him.
he didnt tell me to do as he did when driving across bridges, so i didnt use my horn.

as i passed the bridge a chill went down my spine. it was not the coldness of the air...
it was an unnatural feeling.

I disregarded it and drove on..

about 2 towns over i again came to a bridge, still i drove on...

on the side of the bridge a saw a man..
I didnt pay much attentiopn to him since he just might be a rural that woke up too early.
again i get that chill in my bones.

i continued to drive.. It was now 3am.

the next bridge i passed i again saw a person on it, this time as i passed him i watched him in the rear-view mirror..
He was looking right at me.

I was now freaking out..
I didnt kno what to do, maybe i was just jittery, maybe it was something else..
I didnt want to wake my father up just for what could be my nereves getting the best of me.

I drove into the darkness...

the next bridge came.. again there was a person on it..

there was no way i could avoid him at the speed i was travelling..

I used the car horn to warn the man.

As i pressed the horn, he came rushing at the car...

as he hit the front i didnt feel an impact, nor did i see a body on my hood.

it was as if i hit smoke...

I didnt stop to check what exactly happened..

I sped up and got to my grandparents just as the sun rose...

once there, i again asked my father: "Why do you honk your horn at every bridge?"

Once again he replied: "So that we can pass.."

I now knew what he meant.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by sigmer

Anyone seen Discoverys theme on the subject? quite scary.

They had the famorous Amneville Horror as one of their storries, after i saw that i went looking for the movie, the movie isnt ½ as scary as Discoverys version. (note that Discovery claim all those events they cover to be real).

Do you belive in ghosts?

dude the book is by far the scariest. Supposed to be based on the true story while the movie took liberties. trrrrippy.

@Kanzen - dude wth are those?? ARe those from a movie you have?? creeepy. crab walk lady! wtf!!!

it brings to mind family guy and lindsay lohan crab walking.. lol

but still creepy
Lvl 13
Originally posted by mal


re phildelphia experiment...

very very cool story.

bit more creepiness?? if you copy a line or so of this text and google it the page has been deleted upon which this story was posted. meaningless? maybe.

You want more creepy? Copy and paste the link in that story. I read through the whole thing. Now, it's most likely a hoax/spoof/whatever, but it freaked ME out.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by mal

@Kanzen - dude wth are those?? ARe those from a movie you have?? creeepy. crab walk lady! wtf!!!

As I stated to Jack, previously, no they are not from a movie and nothing broadcast on TV.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by [Sic

I have more

dude thats what the thread is for. would love to hear it.

I used to work late in an office which was very very old. When the building was new it was the Pritzers of the marriot hotels office.

When I got addicted to half life, dod and team fortress I would find myself in the office at 3 am playing the stupid game in compelete darkness.

The side door was a heavy glass/wood door and was about 30 yards away around the corner. I would hear this door open with the squeakiness of an old door and then it would in its weight make a distinctive loud almost slam. I would get up and turn on lights as I went looking for who came in. After hearing noises of walking and the door closing I began to ignore it and continue to play the game.

About the time I was completly comfortable with the noises I heard a clear disctinctive SLAM on my desk about six inches from my arm. Like somebody had slapped their hand or fist on the table. I jumped, froze and my usual stiff upper lip dissipated into it was time to get the hell out. I was gone in a minute or so. I continued to hear the door noise. Leaving was creepy as the halls were granite floors with old wood on the walls. The elevator engines were original from the building.

In this context another story comes to mind which I never attributed to paranormal. I got in the elevator on the top floor and sped down 22 floors at a high rate of speed. The elevator stopped on 1 but the doors didnt open and almost immediately sped back up 22 floors at a high rate of speed and then back down to 1 and stopped for a moment and raced back to the top floor. At this point I began to realize that this could be very serious. Being an old elevator controls were on the panel. When it stopped down at the first floor I pulled the emergency stop button. The alarm went off and I grabbed the doors and pulled them apart to reveal the outer doors which I grabbed and pulled those open. The elevator had stopped about a foot below the floor. I got out told the door man and went about my day.

I didnt think too much about it b/c other people had reported skipped floors and I had experienced skipped floors and the elevators were always breaking down.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen


As I stated to Jack, previously, no they are not from a movie and nothing broadcast on TV.

Oh no I meant a film or video that you have from some unknown source. I read re not being a movie or broadcast but is it a video you have that you made gifs?? or more importantly wtf!!! what is that stuff? whered you get it? what is it? was there a story? some truly freaky stuff.
Lvl 25
Yes. Paranormal. Somewhere. Something. Yes there is.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen

Szomorú Vasárnap, or Gloomy Sunday in English, is a hit song written in 1933 by Hungarian composer Rezső Seress. It's more commonly known as the Hungarian Suicide song because of hundreds (if not thousands) of suicides that had been inspired by listening to it. The song itself has been has been covered several times, most famously by Billie Holiday, and for the most part is considered an urban legend and a brilliant marketing campaign.

The version that reached radio waves, however, is not the version that was originally written. Rezső Seress originally wrote the song in order to woo his girlfriend, who had recently left him. The song succeeded in bringing them back together for a short time, before she jumped from his apartment window. Rezső had been out at the time. His girlfriend left a note for him--"Szomorú Vasárnap."

The song was changed before release. Rezső Seress himself committed suicide in 1969, jumping out of his window in very much the same manner his girlfriend did.

wtf it was added on my birthday.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen

Yes. Paranormal. Somewhere. Something. Yes there is.

are you going to tell the story??
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen

If you watch long enough, the shadows grow impatient, and move. When in a room alone with your monitor, stare at it. The shadow will slowly close in on you, until you move. Of course, it is afraid of your monitor, as dark cannot snuff out light, but light can indeed destroy the dark. Watch sometime in a room with only internal light. If you stare at them for long enough, the shadows will begin to move. Sometimes you can make out shapes.

These things have lived with you your whole life, and will follow you wherever you may go, unless you command them in the proper authority to leave, and ensure they have no legal right to be there. Few know and understand the proper authority, and even fewer know just what to do.

The shadows are always watching.

comes to mind the love story/movie "ghost". where the shadows come to life from their place and take away the bad guy to hell.
Lvl 17
Originally posted by Kanzen

Denver international airport is a strange place. When walking through the hospitality areas the walls are painted with murals. Many of these murals are quite innocuous, depicting sunrises, cityscapes and wildlife. Three of the murals, however, are quite different. One depicts a young aryan boy (caucasian, blonde, and blue-eyed) dressed in a way strongly resembling the hitler youth uniform, beating farming implements into swords while other children watch on in awe. Another shows a burning cityscape in the background, flames rising into the sky, while a native american woman cradles two children, one of them wrapped in a shroud, quite obviously dead and desiccated. Finally, the third mural features a man in a dictatorial military uniform (complete with black leather gloves and boots and a long, matching cape), wearing a gas mask and wielding some kind of strange energy sword. Many people think he resembles Darth Vader, while being much more unsettling. These three murals have since been altered, but why were they painted in such a strange fashion in the first place? What purpose do these grim images have in an Airport? What's behind the closed drapes concealing portions of the walls next to these odd paintings? These paintings are very real, look them up.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by mal


are you going to tell the story??

Probably not, it is better left to your imaginations. I'll give you a hint though; this takes place in an abandoned but haunted subway station. Known to quite a few. People believe that there are a total twenty-one victims of a serial killer that later committed suicide in his cell, and within a few hours of his death, copy-cat murders started occurring. All of the forensics pointed back to the original serial killer.

// edit: And no they copy-cat murders haven't been solved. The only reason they suspect that there was a total of 21 victims is a note of blood found near/on the body of the final victim.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 13
The Unreflected

What's even more unlucky than breaking a mirror? When the mirror breaks you in return...

Mirrors are fascinating things. They reflect without bias, copying our world perfectly within their surfaces. We use them all the time, when we comb our hair, brush our teeth, flex our muscles, or try on new clothes. But the mirror holds a secret.

Children know this secret: they know that mirrors are windows. They know that it just might be possible to step through, to the other side...if only their reflection wasn't in the way. We've all played the games...jumping out in front of the mirror, trying to fake out our reflection and reach across the threshold before it can block us. What the children don't realize is that there are very good, very important reasons why our reflections always bar our way, and that sometimes, just sometimes, someone manages to pass through their reflection.

There's only one point in time, one circumstance where this is possible: at the instant of one's inevitable death, just before falling into a glass surface, eyes wide with horror, staring into the glass reflecting one's eyes wide with horror staring into the glass reflecting one's eyes wide with horror staring into the glass reflecting...infinitely. And then they disappear completely from this world, the mirror shatters into blood-stained shards, and in some nearby world endlessly reflecting our own, an Unreflected is born.

An Unreflected is a special kind of revenant, created when someone passes through their reflection and past the barrier of glass at the instant when they should have died.

This transformation warps reality...majorly. Those near the glass will vaguely remember hearing a scream, and will see the glass shatter to pieces, often stained with blood...but there's no body. Such incidents are particularly baffling in modern countries, for the blood, if tested, does not match with any existing human being.

The reason for this is that mirrors reflect our reality. They even reflect the dead. They are assertions that whatever is reflected is real. When one crosses through their reflection, the real and the reflected cancel out. Their body and the body of their reflection cancel out. Their existence has canceled out. Reality has been shifted as if they had never even been born.

But the fact is, unknown to all but one, that person was born, and did exist. And still exists, barely, on the other side of the mirror. The fact is that reflections have no souls, therefore the soul doesn't cancel out. At its essence, an Unreflected is the soul of a person who reality forgot, trapped on the other side of the mirror.

Most Unreflected go insane. Quickly. By all accounts, they just died. Horribly. Their self-image is covered in and pierced by broken glass. That's worth a handful of violence and unnatural checks right there. Once they realize they don't really have a body, they'll run into another unnatural check. Once they realize they're in a world where everything is reversed, they'll face another few unnatural checks. Once they realize they don't reflect in any surface, they'll likely have to face some unnatural and helpless checks. And once they figure out that there's no trace in this world (or the "reflected" one) that they even existed, they'll face a barrage of unnatural, helpless, isolation, and self checks. Oh yes. They're definitely insane.

Thankfully, the suffering of the Unreflected fades quickly. Most try unsuccessfully to interact with the world. A lucky few manage to make contact with a adept, though they're usually mistaken for demons. Most wind up on the floor, curled into a ball. They would have clawed out their eyes if they still had a corporeal body. They get so insane that they just lose their sense of identity completely. And since that's the only thing keeping them there, their spirit just snuffs out like a candle flame.

What you've heard
The only way you would have heard anything about the Unreflected at all is if you managed to stumble across the notes of Leonard Ashe, a private detective and Enoptromancer in New York. Leonard's been trying to piece together several cases involving broken glass and blood belonging to non-existent people.

At a carnival house of mirrors, the scene of one of the incidents, Leonard actually managed to make contact with an Unreflected, and took down as much of the barely-coherent story as possible before the huddled image in the glass faded completely.
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