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“the ultimate evil behind sexuality is the human female.” He added that they “think like beasts” and “should not have the right to choose who to mate and breed with.”

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 10 years ago Views: 4.9K
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Lvl 16
Originally posted by Tarquin
Maybe someone has heard something I didn't hear about or read about, but I don't know of any meds he was on.

This is not an act of ADHD however. ADHD is one of the most common disabilities in the world, and this isn't how it manifests. In fact, neither violence nor paranoia are traits of someone with ADHD. The planning and detail that he put into the act itself would be contrary to any type of ADHD actually, and ADHD sufferers, even though they act out mildly sometimes, they don't sit there for years at a time thinking that plotting a mass murder is okay. ADHD has impacts on one's ability to focus, not one's ability to distinguish right from wrong or to block out human empathy.

I wasn't blaming ADHD for his actions but just wondering if they had him pumped up with drugs that have the potential for causing psychotic behavior as a side effect.
Lvl 20
Originally posted by unknown1002001

I wasn't blaming ADHD for his actions but just wondering if they had him pumped up with drugs that have the potential for causing psychotic behavior as a side effect.

Fair enough.

As far as I know, none of the common ADHD treatments are psychopathic drugs. I know that certain meds such as Wellbutrin and Bupropion can cause such reactions at times, but those aren't prescribed for ADHD.

The most common meds for ADHD are Dexedrine, Strattera, Focalin, Vyvanse and Concerta/Ritalin.

The side affects of these types of meds are pretty much limited to loss of appetite, difficulty with sleep patterns and some mood swings. None of the side affects listed for any of these meds that I've ever seen includes psychedelic responses (or psychotic outbursts/episodes).

It's essentially that it screws with a digestive system (food and appetite) or makes it hard to sleep when you're supposed to. Sometimes it can cause mood swings, but a mood swing is not the same thing as going ape-shit nuts on a bunch of people. It's just a mood swing. So instead of being generally happy they're now generally morose or sullen. "Mood swing" is just a mood swing. It does not mean "turns you psycho."

No, I don't think any of the prominent ADHD meds out there have been linked to psychotic episodes. I'm not a doctor though, so I could be mistaken. But to the best of my knowledge none of the common meds are known to produce such an affect.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Tarquin

As far as I know, none of the common ADHD treatments are psychopathic drugs. I know that certain meds such as Wellbutrin and Bupropion can cause such reactions at times, but those aren't prescribed for ADHD.

No, I don't think any of the prominent ADHD meds out there have been linked to psychotic episodes. I'm not a doctor though, so I could be mistaken. But to the best of my knowledge none of the common meds are known to produce such an affect.

While I agree with you that ADHD drugs would not be responsible for this kind of psychotic, sociopathic behavior, it is incorrect to state that ADHD drugs have never been associated with psychotic symptoms. For the record I am copying part of the package insert for dexedrine:

Treatment emergent psychotic or manic symptoms, e.g., hallucinations, delusional thinking, or mania in children and adolescents without a prior history of psychotic illness or mania can be caused by stimulants at usual doses. If such symptoms occur, consideration should be given to a possible causal role of the stimulant
Lvl 20
I stand corrected then. Some of them can do that, apparently.

But no, Elliot's rampage wasn't the result of ADHD meds. He had been under the care of therapists and psychologists for a long time. This wasn't a side-affect of his meds.
Lvl 22
Originally posted by Tarquin
I stand corrected then. Some of them can do that, apparently.

But no, Elliot's rampage wasn't the result of ADHD meds. He had been under the care of therapists and psychologists for a long time. This wasn't a side-affect of his meds.

I agree with you completely. This guy had a lot more wrong with him that a few pills.
Lvl 20
Just another resource to look at: Link

Department officials met three times under strange circumstances with Rodger, 22, in the months before he went on his killing spree.

Rodger’s ownership of the semiautomatic weapons was available in law enforcement databases, which apparently were not checked despite his increasingly erratic behavior.
He was a very sick individual, someone should have caught on.
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