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Wow........yet another freakin newbie (of wait that's me)

Starter: xanthor Posted: 20 years ago Views: 844
Lvl 12

I'm Xanthor. I'm new to this site so i thought i better introduce myself.

i'm 20, in the canadian navy. So i do stuff.

I live in Nova Scotia, Canada CANADA RULES!!!


Love Peace and Chicken Grease
Lvl 12
so was the first post on this sort of like premature postulation?

sorry, couldnt resist ribbin ya, welcome to the forums.
Lvl 25
Welcome my friend! have a nice stay!
Lvl 13
welcome x from the vixxen and i. hope you find wbw interesting and fun. we wish you were a girl.
Lvl 13
Welcome and enjoy your stay ( and of course the pussy )
Lvl 12
Welcome Dude . . . enjoy ^_^
Lvl 12
Welcome xanthor! Tell canada to send more girls to the WBW. Buxom and I will do our part to make better relations with Canada and the US.
Lvl 21
Welcome friend! Try not to overwork ur wrists!
Lvl 12
sorry to disapoint u buxomforfun,

more Canadian girls ehh............well i'll do what i can
Lvl 12
are we looking for any kind of girl in particular??

or just the breast and ass and drop dead hot type