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Starter: qbone Posted: 21 years ago Views: 531
Lvl 12
Well then let me start this forum with introducing my self.
First of all I would lkike to say hello to all you WBW oldies, im one of the new faces and I will contribute with as many news as I have time for.

My name is Mads Henriksen and I live in Denmark in a little village called "Haslev".
I am 18 years old and going to something called "HTX" (Higher Technical Examn) and I am going to spent my last year at HTX, next year. afterwards I'm still not sure what I will do, but I hope it will be related to something with electronics og computing

I am very helpfull, I love beers, I LOOOOVE Hot women *rrauuw* and I love aving fun.
But now I am tired and will end this introduction with me little dance..... naah cant remember the steps.. Hav fun y'all

-qbone aka. Mads
Lvl 13
Damn nice, another HTX'er