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Starter: 29417 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 10.1K
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Lvl 12
(this is my third time trying to make a thread and it keeps redirecting me somewhere...rar)

ANYWAY! Hey everyone, I'm Andrea I have a vagina <3 I was told to post in here and introduce myself (go figure eh?)! I tend to picwhore :\ and even worse is that I dont post

I've only ventured to a couple areas on the site and will hopefully aquaint myself with the rest fairly soon!

Lvl 14
Welcome aboard, LadyAndrea!

Lvl 13
We love ya babe... Keep flauntin' it!

Lvl 12
in the words of The Ladies Man:

ooooooh a laaaaady
Lvl 12
woohoo! lol....rar i want to put another pic up for an avatar...(i had one up, but then a guy i know who lurks here said something about it and i was like grrr)
Lvl 14
The heck with him! Post whatever avatar you want...
Lvl 12
VAGINA IT IS! (lol sooo joking)
Lvl 14

That's not what I meant....
Lvl 21
Welcome to WBW LadyAndrea, and enjoy your stay. You'll learn to love it here, I know I did.

(Looks like Slider might have some competition.)
welcome and i must say you look hot
Lvl 14
(fyi- before anyone starts...I will testify that the person posting as LadyAndrea TRUELY is the person in the picture.)
Lvl 21
:: notes Mickster's post count is...666 ::

I was just going to say it could be settled within 15 minutes. Inflatable pool + 600 gallons of chocolate pudding + 2 bikini bottoms = happy wbw crowd.
Lvl 12
hahah but she gets nakie!...i only get MOSTLY

^^ better pic than my salute thing
Lvl 12
Well... Hello carrot...
Lvl 21
Okay let me revise that formula a bit after seeing that photo.

( ( ( Inflatible pool + 600 gallons of chocolate pudding + 2 bikini bottoms + LadyAndrea + Slider ) - ( wbw crowd + 2 bikini bottoms ) ) + ( Alcohol + whip cream + cherries + Sphtman ) = happiness.
Lvl 12
just remember, jesus poops like everybody else
Lvl 12
I may be mature for my age, but saying the word "poop" outloud still makes me giggle on the inside...
Lvl 21
who doesn't giggle when they hear or read poop.

heh... i typed poop.
Lvl 12
h it's funny cuz i'll usually use the phrase "poopin' around" and i used to work in Mortgage (now i'm a teller) at a occasionally i'd find myself saying "so I was poopin' around" to the vice presidents of the bank! haha WHOOPS :P
Lvl 12
i plan on giggling at the word poo till im 90
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