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New to the site.

Starter: Shizer Posted: 20 years ago Views: 682
Lvl 12
Hey people. I just joined up because a buddy of mine says it's a cool forum. Looks pretty bitchin'
Lvl 16
we try to do our best! welcome to the site SHIN! love having ya here and ur buddy was totally right

we kick ass and boobs, and... well any other part that belongs on a woman

Lvl 14
welcome shin! have a boobilicous time on the best site of the net!
Lvl 16
Welcome, this site does indeed ROCK!
Lvl 13
just what we need, another guy. hey shin, got a sister or two?
Lvl 13
don't let me give the wrong impression, shin, welcome. this is a fun place.
Lvl 14 do let her..she's fun when she does
Lvl 12
Hi Shin, yeah this is a great place, stay for a long,long time!
Lvl 12
Welcome Shin. Yes please send your sisters online. Buxom is our female welcome coordinator. She helps find a place for all newbie girls. An appropriate instruction session can be given to all females so that proper positioning can be made. Occasionly positioning is all wrong and repositioning is needed. But our "hands on" instructors will take good care to ensure an orgasmic experience for them.
Lvl 12
Welcome to the site from another newbie!
Lvl 14
He welkome SHIN I hope this site give you a lot of pleasure.
Lvl 12
Thanks people, and i hope it gives me a lot of pleasure also.
Lvl 12
lets hope not to much pleasure, dont want you ruining you keyboard now do we?