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New girl here. ( Pics removed by OP :(, Nothing to see) Just Welcome Kristi :)

Starter: kristi04 Posted: 13 years ago Views: 7.7K
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Lvl 4
Sorry, decided to delete these just in case boyfriend found them!


Changed title, no pics
* This post has been modified by ThreadKiller : 13 years ago
Lvl 7
Uh; fry........ fry....... fry .......
Lvl 5
Pics dont work. All I see is the chickupload 'no hotlinking' icon.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 15
I like!
Lvl 17
Great rack for an 18 year old! so the question is are you taking requests??
Lvl 11
I hope you plan on sticking around
Lvl 7
Much better!
Lvl 17
Hooters t-shirt with some hold ups sounds HOT!

I'm looking for a new avatar, so u fancy making a sign picture feel free & I'll update my profile
Lvl 6
Straight to the watchlist . NICE!
Welcome to the site hun, hope you enjoy your time with us.
Lvl 6
Very nice. Let's hope you do post more
Lvl 13
Oh yeah! WELCOME!
Lvl 16
beautiful pics please post more
Lvl 26
WOW!!!At first hi and welcome!!! Congratulations for wonderful look,if that's really you!However these boobs are spectacular and I hope we will see some full body shots next time!!!
Lvl 5
sweet rack..
Lvl 5
18yo I don't think so...won't be long until we get invited to her site.
Lvl 14
Originally posted by kristi04

Thanks yall, and Lol! I definitely dont have a site!.. I actually found out about this site when I caught my boyfriend on here..which for some reason, made me upset that he was getting off to other doesnt know I put these up..So Im just waiting for that surprised text Ill probably get in the next day or two..

I'd get off to your pics... You're hot!
Guys are guys. Or dogs. It's tough to not look at these girls and not "get off" on them. But you are very attractive, kristi. I won't get off on your pics. I'll just take them as art. You're alright, though. Have fun on WBW!
Lvl 26
Originally posted by Roastbeef214

Pics dont work. All I see is the chickupload 'no hotlinking' icon.

They are all working fine also, Welcome kristi
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