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new babe here

Starter: sexybytch25 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.6K
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Lvl 8
hello guys. i just joined the site and uploaded sum pix but it says they have to be approved first. does any1 know how long that takes??
Lvl 29
WELCOME to WBW, enjoy your stay, i sent you a PM to explain
Lvl 16
Hello and welcome.

Unfortunately it takes a while for all the backed up picks to get approved. Some quicker than others.

So hang out and get to know the place, maybe try the spam thread. Good fun in there..
*speaks a peak at the pics*

So you're famous?
Lvl 18
If they are good, i mean realllll good it won't take
Lvl 26
Welcome to the site and it's pretty much what RumDum said, it takes anywhere between a few days to a few weeks depending on how many we still have in queue

If you need help with anything feel free to PM me or any of the other mods and we will be glad to help. Also if you want an avatar let me know and I can fix one up for you
Lvl 21
Lvl 51
Hi and welcome to WBW, have fun

Lvl 14
welcome aboard, it is always nice to have more female members.
Lvl 18
welcome to the party. hope you enjoy it here
Lvl 28
Welcome to the site. Have fun. Wrong forum btw,

*moved from Famous Babes ==> Introduce Yourself*
Lvl 13
howdy good looking we hope

just joking welcome to the site please stay and look around
we would love for you to stay
Hi and welcoe to wbw , have fun and enjoy your stay
Welcome !!
Lvl 14
Lvl 12
Lvl 28
welcome aboard, enjoy the cars...
Lvl 6
welcome look forward to seeing what you look the meantime have fun
Lvl 14
Hey, welcome!
Lvl 14
Welcome aboard
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