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Starter: Girl_thingy Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.5K
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Lvl 11
Hi. I'm new. Yes. Here I am!
Lvl 29
Welcome to WBW!!
Lvl 21
Possibly a bigger picture? You look cute in the thumbnail, but its hard to tell.
Lvl 11
Yeah!!!! Female count has risen from %4 to Welcome
Lvl 21
w00t! [in reference to the increase]

I'm gonna get some tonight!
Lvl 13
Hola girl_thingy! Queres un culo caliente? Don't know how to spell that, but it's my one truly useful Spanish phrase!

Love your name! Welcome (K)
Lvl 11
Lvl 13
btw, is that like Girl Friday only more forgetful?
Lvl 20
yeay one more girl for us to stare at and attack like a pack of dogs on a 3 legged cat
Lvl 11
better pic
Lvl 21
Obligatory WBW statement: Girl_Thingy will you marry me?
Lvl 17
Girl_thingy, get it over with and post your nudes... I mean... welcome to WBW.
Lvl 19
Hi and welcome!
Lvl 22
Ok, to let it be known.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 19
Lvl 21
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 13
Obligatory WBW Disclaimer: Beware strange members requesting matrimony
Lvl 13
welcome and u look GOOD
Lvl 13
Yes and after reading these posts... should we besurprised the female population on WBW is 4.000001% ?


Lvl 13
u r cute!!

by the way, quieres un culo caliente= do you want a hot ass?
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