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Starter: KoosKansloos Posted: 21 years ago Views: 1.3K
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Lvl 12
Alowa, I just signd up for the forum. I like'd what i saw !

BTW, I live in Holland

Lvl 16
which the dutch and dutch-speaking already guessed considering your name
welcome to the forum and to WBW ofcourse! tell us about yourself!

play nice, have fun, skrew girls

Lvl 19
Welcome, I too, am from Holland
Lvl 12
What a nice welcome, aint that much to tell about me. Like i said i'm from holland and live near rotterdam.

I believe there are a lot of dutch people on this forum.
Lvl 16
yup too much some would say
Lvl 12
Welcome, I too, am from Holland

You wish
Lvl 19

look at my shoes, they are oak
Lvl 18
texas here lol just wanted to post lol ya know but ne ways laters to the hollanders
Lvl 12
@Hemi: So you also wear woodenshoe's? I live in a windmill aswell
Lvl 21
i wouldnt be surprised if u guys did wear wooden shoes and lived in windmills! as long as it has broadband in it OF COURSE! heheheh love holland though, gotta feeling that without all u wankers from holland, this site wouldnt be!
Lvl 15
Silly Dutch

Welcome anyways Dude!
Lvl 16
welcome and nice nick you have
Lvl 12
Welcome aboard!
Lvl 12
welcome! just curious...does the name translate to something?
Lvl 13
I am from South Africa and our Afrikaans sounds like dutch
Lvl 14
Lvl 17
Another Dutch to wbw, don't they ever run out of porn-freaks?

Welcome to the community
Lvl 22
welcome to your new addiction koos!
Lvl 24
welcome! enjoy your stay
Lvl 13
welcome have fun
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