KoosKansloos 21 years ago
Alowa, I just signd up for the forum. I like'd what i saw !
BTW, I live in Holland
Welcome, I too, am from Holland
KoosKansloos 21 years ago
What a nice welcome, aint that much to tell about me. Like i said i'm from holland and live near rotterdam.
I believe there are a lot of dutch people on this forum.
look at my shoes, they are oak
texas here lol just wanted to post lol ya know but ne ways laters to the hollanders
KoosKansloos 21 years ago
@Hemi: So you also wear woodenshoe's? I live in a windmill aswell
welcome and nice nick you have
welcome! just curious...does the name translate to something?
I am from South Africa and our Afrikaans sounds like dutch