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Jumping In

Starter: FalseReverence Posted: 20 years ago Views: 1.2K
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Lvl 13
What the hell... I will try anything once, or maybe twice. Been browsing the site and like what I see. Being born a consummate smart ass, of course I have had a few things to add to a few of the strands, but generally bit my tongue and moved on due to a lack of motivation to log in. Now that I took the plunge and logged on, I suppose I should introduce myself..

I'm a twenty-something female, but I prefer girls... sorry boys! East coaster, and generally single. I have a hard enough time committing to a breakfast cereal, let alone a mate!
Lvl 12
welcome to the site
Lvl 22
Welcome to the site... hope you enjoy!

Don't take this personally, but... Just what we need, another female that's into females. Oh well, I guess buxom and vixen will be happy, yet another reason to ignore all us guys.
Lvl 13
Ahhhh poor Wolvey... It's not that I am a man-hater or anything of the sort. Just all that fur makes my nose itch.

Let me set the record straight. I play in both sandboxes, it's just right now... I tend to play with well Boxes.
Lvl 12
Welcome aboard..
Unlike wolvey :P ... always happy to see another female join.. especially sarcastice ones

ps wolvey not all females on this site are only into females, just prefer them.
Lvl 22
It's all good. I'm just being a butt. I guess I'm just frustrated at the moment... would any of you ladies playing in both sandboxes care to help out. ha ha ha
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 13
if there is one thing i can't stand it is sarcasm. 14,000 plus members and about 20 or so lesbians. poor wolvey is being crowded out. welcome falsey. you may take an interest in joining our excursion to holland to check out the dykes.
Lvl 13
Dykes... would those be the flannel shirt wearin, mullet sportin, more hair on their chin than my uncle Bob, sort? I had a little boy who liked to stick his finger in all sorts of holes... we broke up. But I have to say, I love tulips, pretty soft pink ones, just peel back those soft little petals and see what's inside. Holland in the Springtime...

Kisses an all of your pink parts!
Lvl 13
geez some girls are jumpy. get a hold of yourself, girl. no, no, i didn't mean that way, save that for later. go to the forum, dutch pride. the first girl, the one in the yellow sweater. i understand that she is a typical dutch girl. i'll explain the dykes later.
Lvl 14
Welcome, FalseReverance....for what ever reason you come here (grins)
Lvl 16
welcome FalseReverance hope you enjoy the site and YES you are very welcome here
it's nice to see women enjoy the site aswell, funny part about it is they love it for the very same reason as we men do
anyway, I'll go out of my way of making some kind of tour-trip through Holland when you come. seems "the world" still thinks we live in mills, wear wooden shoes and live from our export of cheese and tulips...
we export drugs aswell you know!

Lvl 13
falsey, ck and the bunny will lead the tour to show us where the sexy girls hang out. the girls do take off their wooden shoes for dancing some times. i'm hoping they take off much more than their shoes. and the girls do have tulips.
Lvl 12
Welcome, lass, hope you enjoy it here! Play well in both sandboxes, huh? NICE!
Lvl 14
Oke welkome to the site i hope you enjoy it here Bux and Vixx are the leading ladies around here. I hope that the site is fun that's what it's all about.

And Bux 7% of the members is female from 14.000 that's more than 20 members and a lot of them are attractive to females. So enjoy hunting ... OOOOhhh you status has been upgraded LADYKILLER that is one you like?

Lvl 21
hey FalseR..Welcome! not that it matters but its ok with me, that ur more into "boxes".."right now"! im more of a guy into "boxes" that prefer..."sticks" shall we say to stick to the metaphors.. so no loss no gain
Lvl 17
Welcome to the community :-)
Lvl 13
this girl seems to have a good feeling for wbw. for the good of wbw i'll feel her back. front two.
Lvl 13
My Stars! I feel all warm and fuzzy.. and there is a strange little tingle in my bottom. Oh wait, that's just Buxom's hand. <g>

I added a wretched morning after pic for my avatar. Any of you techies want to lighten it up a bit for me?
Lvl 13
i'm glad to report this girl feels very good. a follow up will probably be necessary which i will be happy to take care of.
Lvl 22
Here is the best I could do with your pic, sorry I suck so much. Oh and by the way, welcome to WBW! You can come play in my sandbox anytime!
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