Hey everyone, I noticed from browsing some forums it's polite to make one of these, so here I go. I'm a girl. Haha. Not sure how common that is on this site, but yeah. I'm also into girls (aka lesbian). Now that that is out of the way, it should also partly explain what I'm doing on this site, lol. I looked for awhile as a guest but decided to get a username and such and a couple people (who are apparently huge on here or something) have already been super nice to me and are (presently? (once I get you the pictures)) helping me out with an avatar so I can have a picture of myself up for it. I am really in to volleyball, while I am graduated now I played competatively throughout highschool, going to 4 large and 9 small tournaments in highschool, losing only one of each (my team, that is... no, I didn't single handedly take on 6 other girls) and enjoy playing rec. and beach leagues and for fun to this day. I live with my bestest friend ever (NO NAMES?! Not sure, lol so let's just leave names out) and work whenever I get bored, waitressing... Though my friend's parents are... very... rich so I don't really HAVE to... just do. I also am a huge reader. Fantasy and Sci-Fi mostly though that's kind of a secret lol I don't come off as a huge book nerd like that to people I know, but I am... Shh! =) Anyways I don't really know what else to say my msn address is in my profile I think? Not sure if you can see it or not...? But yeah. Hi!!!
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