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Hi Everyone

Starter: ok4q Posted: 20 years ago Views: 357
Lvl 13
I`ve been a member for about a week and thought I`d introduce myself.
I might be a bit old for here? not sure......
I`m 28, not exactly a boy lol, but it seems a cool place. I live in east sussex,Uk. Just split up with my g/f about a month ago and getting sexualy frustrated
I`ll try and post some pics when I get around to it.
Lvl 12
not old at all, theres plenty of old men around here (im just fuckin with ya fellas)

I'm 20, but the way I see it, age really isnt an issue, its more a function of personality. Nice group of people, you'll find its a fun place to post! And dont bitch about being frusturated over a month, try a year and a half *kill self* lol
Lvl 15
Welcome, and you are not too old among us, look statistics for example
Lvl 19
welcome welcome welcome

* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 23
So you want to come to WBW ha
And post some pics ha
maybe request a few ha
Felt like wanking off ha
So you stayed ha
Welcome ha
Lvl 19
bad day wasteofair?
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 23
Making fun of Juvenile.
(The rapper)
Lvl 13
Welcome enjoy it
Lvl 18
Lvl 13
Thanx for the warm welcome guys
Lvl 17
Welcome, and you really are not that old here
Lvl 22
Always good to welcome a fellow Brit. Have a good un mate!