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hi all

Starter: gagaguck Posted: 21 years ago Views: 625
Lvl 12
hey all

just want to say some words about me:
i'm 20 years old, interested in all computer stuff, starting from networking to webdesign and video-cutting so i'm trying to learn all but finnally i can nothing

my english is also not the best one, but i'll try to give my best
Lvl 25
Welcome!! hope to see your face some more overhere!
Lvl 13
Ah , greetings o gagaguck the student of all things good.
I hope you'll enjoy our company and the greatness of this magnificent site
Good atitude to the learning btw
* This post has been modified : 21 years ago
Lvl 25
Hhehe, my english sucks 2 so don't worry!