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Hello, all, connoiseurs of female form!

Starter: BushmanN60 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.7K
Lvl 8
I live in Yukon Territory, Canada.
Cycling, jogging, photography, art,psychology, science and history(particularly war) are
amongst my interests!
I am in my forties, still strong,I lived in central Canada previously, work as an electrical apprentice,
or labourer in four different work sectors.
I hope to enjoy some good pics of girls, like them from teens to 50s. My pref, are plump, and hairy, but
have learned to appreciate the `baldies' of the last couple of years.
I look forward to some discussion here too.
Good morning!
Lvl 40
Hello there and welcome.
Lvl 8
Thanks, Virtual, its good to be here, I kind of stumbled on this place from a similar site.
Looks to be a treasure trove of good pics, I am still learning about a few things here, such as hotlinking.
Hopefully with the new picture tagging system, you should be able to find the plump, hairy girls that float your boat! Welcome.
Lvl 28
welcome to wbw, enjoy the cars...
Lvl 8
I will have to check out some things here, inc. cars, i seem to have a lot of trouble adding "favorites". i have learned how to post tags( I see the search function!), and I hope adding attachments works to a greater degree of success.
thanks for the welcome, jhope, FT!
Lvl 26
Lvl 12
Welcome to the club, I love yer avatar.
Lvl 14
Howdy! Welcome to our little corner of the web
Lvl 28

Welcome, I guess.

Lvl 8
thanks for the great comments/welcome! I love the pic too!
I tried to contact admin, captcha failed. I don't know why saving a "favorite" is so difficult.
I have only saved 2 out of about a dozen attempte. Please help, thanks.

btw: the avatar is a "troll berserker" of Norse myth, i am part Scandinavian; hyvää päivää!

Early in the am, soon time to go, good morning forumites!
Hi and welcome to wbw , have fun
Lvl 37
Enjoy the Babes and Cars(beer)

I think she's Canadian

Lvl 11
hello and welcome enjoy your stay here
Enjoy your stay.
Lvl 11
welcome, welcome, you will the people here quite friendly for the most part
Lvl 51
Hi and welcome to WBW, have fun

Lvl 6