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Starter: Peach_wrangler Posted: 20 years ago Views: 227
Lvl 12
I am new here...take it easy on me.
Lvl 29
Welcome to WBW!
Lvl 12
Lvl 21
urge... too... make fun... of newbie.... rising.

Welcome to WBW. Might want to change that signature.
Lvl 15
Lvl 13
Lvl 12
Thanks for the advice Sphtman but that's ok, it's important to take advantage of these internet "scandals" while they last. By the way, fooly cooly is a great anime.
Lvl 21
Heh, first person to recognize it.

For a short period I was thinking about using Atomsk's symbol (Kanji for adult)
Lvl 12
What other anime do you like? Personally i'm a huge fan of Bebop and the Read or Die series.
Lvl 20
Hellu, and may you waste your life looking at fine babes like the rest of us.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago