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Dear Moderator

Starter: Anonymous18 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 934
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Lvl 24
Lvl 13
FeFe... you wanna borrow my new favorite toy? It works wonders and there is less efort and sweating involved that with the real thing. Plus this one won't call you in the morning, stand you up for a date or cheat on you!
Lvl 25
I have feelings too Ry.
Lvl 24
yeah i hate it when they call in the morning
Lvl 13
Kanzen, get a life, or a clue or something. I was talking about the sort that takes batteries.
Lvl 25
So I run on sugar, you don't have to be so cold to me.
Lvl 14
yeah i hate it when they call in the morning

Some guys actually call?
Lvl 13
Only the ones you dont want to call.
Lvl 14
Interesting. I'll have to remember to keep not doing that.
Lvl 24
the ones you want to never do, the ones you wish youd never have to speak to again call frequently.

FR, your avatar(s) is stunning as usual. *kiss*
Lvl 13
Just like the girl looking at it baby face. (K)
Lvl 14
Just what we need, a second Ryan ass kissing thread.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 24
stop, youre turning me on
Lvl 13
What's the matter Nacho? Afraid there wont be room left for your lips?
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 24
im not kissing her ass, and i think consdering im a female she wouldnt appreciate it if i was.
Lvl 13
Oh but I would... very much Fefe

Funny stuff
Lvl 14
Originally posted by FalseReverence
Afraid there wont be room left for your lips?

you see right through me
Lvl 24
well why dont you come over here and bring your ass a little closer, ill show you what kind of kissing i can do
Kanzen, get a life, or a clue or something.

Ryan, you will always be my favorite female WBW member, lol.
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