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Anti-Introduction - Good Bye

Starter: FalseReverence Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.2K
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Lvl 13
Hi Guys!

Listen, thank you for all of the laughs and the love. I have had a great time here, looking at boobs, reading your posts and being stalked by a certain member. I am sad to say that it's time I move on to other things. I hope to pop in sometime and sneak a peak at some boobs or read the latest thread, but I'll be a scarce comodity.

Love all of you. (K)

Lvl 34
Can we guess who it was stalking you?
Goodbye FR and take care.
Lvl 25
I deny all accusations of being the stalker. Its not stalking if you watch them from a telescope across the street.

Anyways, Ry knows my feelings about her departure so I'm not going to repeat myself.
Lvl 22
you will be missed.

Lvl 13
*chews on cigar with quizzical look. Stands up, folds up lawn chair. Takes one last look around the thread... walks out*
Lvl 22
Notice how she didn't say moving on to "better" or "exciting" things.
Lvl 13
Lvl 14
Wow, this is by far the saddest thing I've read on this site. We'll miss you, Ry.
Lvl 12
Take Care.. Never got to know you, but read alot of your posts..
Lvl 12
You know, I always wanted to meet a girl named Ryan, being that my name is Ryan. It is kind of funny that this is the way. Well I've enjoyed your posts and hope you have a fun and fulfilment with what ever it is that you chose to do now that you leave us.
Lvl 11
Always sad to see someone leave the great world of WBW
Take care.
Lvl 24
hope you have fun.
Lvl 14
Warm regards and best wishes. I know we didn't talk much (damn work schedule!!), but you had the greatest nightclub story I've ever heard, thanks!
What, was WBW the only thing you did? It is addicting and I am around here a lot but I also do plenty of other stuff. It sounds like you're quiting a job or something. Although, I do understand if the reason is the stalker or because you're getting some exciting modeling job and are traveling around the world where you can't regularly access the net. Oh well, BYE!
Lvl 17
*peeks in*

I am somewhat curious about this departure. But you know what they say. Curiosoty killed the ostrich.

*moves on*
Lvl 18
Goodbye, FR. Wish you all the best and I will miss seeing your avatar often.
Lvl 27
It's always a pity when a girl leaves WBW...

Lvl 22
Sorry to see you are leaving us Ry, you're one of the good uns!

I'll miss ya.
Lvl 14
bye, i gonna really miss you.

* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 13
Take care.
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