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An unlikely couple?

Starter: bobpril Posted: 14 years ago Views: 2.5K
Lvl 7
Hi All,

Two of us signing in to say hello to WBW and to tell an interesting and possibly rare story, here is the short version, me as boy, her as girl.

- Girl from Canada posts nude photos of herself on 4chan
- Boy in Australia see photos and likes what he sees
- Girls identity & facebook is revealed on 4chan by a user
- Boy messages girl on facebook, gets no reply
- Boy is persistent and messages her again, she finally replies
- Although girl had MANY creeps approaching her, she gave boy some discussion
- Nearly 12 months later, boy moves to Canada, meets girls and has been with her ever since

Although this may be a lot of geeks dream, i swear this is true

We hope to post and enjoy this forum, it looks like fun
Welcome to WBW!
Lvl 7
haha thanks screwy..

I shall get photos of her or maybe us up asap! (shes hot)
Lvl 20
Five stars. For the story, not for the promise of photos.

Cool tale!
Lvl 7

What makes it even less likely is, it was her first time posting photos of herself on the internet (she was drunk) and I was not a regular visitor to 4chan. Looking back, me even bothering to message her was odd, I dont know what I hoped to get out of it considering at that point I knew she lived on the other side of the world.

It was one of those times, im sure we've all had them on buses or trains etc, when you see someone you are SO attracted to, that if you don't make contact with them, you regret it!
Lvl 21
that's crazy, a buddy of mine met a girl from NY (that's 3-4 states from where we live) playing halo online. over a year ago, still together
Lvl 26
Hi,welcome and enjoy!
Lvl 15
Great story - welcome to wbw to the both of you
Lvl 22

Great first story deserves a,

(I can wait for the promise to be filled)
Lvl 7
you guys love your stars dont you?

I will give her the login for this today, see if she wants to get on board!
Lvl 28
Pics or it didn't happen. Also, rule 30 my friend.
Lvl 7
wait, rule 30... what?
Lvl 38
Great story!!

Welcome to both of you!
Lvl 7
aight.. she is signing up her own account so you don't get confused who is posting, her or me under the one account etc.
Lvl 7
Okay, she hasn't created her own account yet, so in the is a photo she took for me while I was still in a different country to her
Lvl 7
And another..
Lvl 26
Originally posted by bobpril

Okay, she hasn't created her own account yet, so in the is a photo she took for me while I was still in a different country to her
WOW she is very hot.Thanks a lot for sharing,we were waiting for that!
Lvl 7
If you want more, shes opened her own account and is sharing the love...