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Your worst car ever...?

Starter: ihatedrphil Posted: 13 years ago Views: 2.7K
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Lvl 15
Without question or doubt I proudly announce that mine was a Piece of Shit 1988 Pontiac Fiero.
Lvl 7

Forgive me if the image doesnt work. it's been a while

My worst car was a 1999 Renault Laguna. It may have only cost me £500 last year but I'm never going to cheap out on a car again.
It was a 1.9DTi that had done about 140k ish miles, which had no life left in it. The handling was dangerous. I'm not talking about when I tried to chuck it about, I'm talking about very low speeds. It felt as if there were no tyres on the front at all.
Lvl 23
Chevy Citation
Lvl 7
Ford Pinto, it was like god... every 7th day it rested (and needed repairs)
Lvl 8
I can't remember the year, I think it was a '79. The one I had was yellow, a hand me down from my mom.
'79 Volkswagen Dasher
Lvl 3
2005 chevy cobalt, bought it brand new.

has been to the shop for suspension work over 25 times, steering colum broke in half... radio replaced 2 times... power steering pump...

oh and it has only 68000kms on it.
Lvl 7
worst car? had alot but at the moment its my DD 97 cavalier coupe. But it gets me to work and places I dont want to take the other car.
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