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Your ideas, my me upgrade

Starter: deucegame Posted: 20 years ago Views: 1.3K
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Lvl 12
Barry get on this
Lvl 15
A thing that would inprove on your motor to would be a Port n Polish. A lil pricey if done right but well worth the horse power.
Lvl 12
demigod these people have no idea what the heck they are talking about. there is no such thing as a 93twin turbo eclipse if you want some HP i can hook u up with a custom turbo kit for your car i have some pics of a 2001 eclipse gt that has a turbo running low 13,s and high 12's with slicks.
Lvl 27
At one point I had to make a choice, a Eclipse or a Honda Del Sol, I choose the Honda but I can imagine you got the Eclipse, it's a nice car but if you live in Europe you can better buy a Honda because it's much easier to get parts from a Honda here...

But I'm talking shit, here's a picture of a nice body...
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 12
ok i cant find my pics of the 2001 eclipse but here is a nissan maxima with a turbo kit
Lvl 17
Lvl 12
I think if you really want to get serious bout makin a car run, any car for that matter. Lets say you wanna run a turbo. great...i dont know about the eclipse motors. cause i have a 4.6L v8, but....i do know for example that the 4.6 can only handle about 8-9lbs of boost on stock internals. Personally, if i was gonna boost, i want alot of boost. I would prolly look into upgrading the internals of an engine. also, any kinda of upgrades to the induction of air into an engine is gonna help you out alot. More Air + More fuel = More Power. Now once you get a turbo on with just the things done above. yer gonna be abel to handle alot more boost. Then you can also go into more agreesive cams. upgrade yer exhaust, such as headeers, and yer piping with high flow cats and what not. I dont know to much about eclipses once again, but cars are cars and they all run off the same principle of how to get power. But personally, i would start with building a solid engine from the inside out.

i still wanna see about this 2500hp car shadow speaks about
Lvl 12
ok here is the pics of the 2001 eclipse
Lvl 12
go read a book
Lvl 12
i am a service advisor for a local mitsu dealer and all i can say is do what you want but i have had a large number of people upgrading cars(turbo/exhaust/intakes and so on)and have come acroos warrinty issues that a rep from mitsu has come out and said nope not covered.they take pics and put your car in the main computer that voids thing to do is wait for you power train warrinty to expire.whcih if you have a 01 it came with 5/60 or 7/70 warrinty.ive seen the easiest installs(exhaust for example depending on where you live ofcoarse to make a car fail emmisions where i live.its even harder to pass now because the state has a new computer that started this month).remote starters are big get one installed the imobilizer must be bypassed nocking out the anti theft off and is wired to the main harness.had one get so hot it melted the harness(not covered and voided a warrinty(electical)on a 2003 eclipse.cost 2900.00 for repairs.if you have and questions on what my hurt you warrrinty just ask i will give you all the info you need
Lvl 12
my answer for a fast car and you got money order a evo my dealer has got 2 cost 31,000 insurance cost like 10,000 a year
Lvl 11
I'm with cardshark, leave that fucker alone until the warranty runs out. Once it does, start with intake and exhaust. Then throw a cam in there. I'd super charge a V-6, aftermarket turbos are pretty high maintnance. Keep in mind you'll quickly get to a point where you're trading horsepower for life expectancy of the engine. My brother turned a 12 second 1/4 mile in a Saturn.......Once.
Lvl 13
I think that for a start you should empty the front and put something from a WRC car. I don`t know how, but it would be nice. Of course, change the bodykits and the paint. Put a NOS or NX in the trunk. Put some exhaust that makes it silent. Of course put a good stereo with 2 or 3 subwoofers and many small speakers. Also put CO2 as an extra accelerator. I don`t know, but is it possible to put twin turbo in an Eclipse?
Lvl 12
Yeah supercharge the car it will be alot better no spool etc. or you could buy a Camaro j/k :P but go with what Phen says he knows his shat.
Lvl 12
Check out this webpage, should get you started with lots of ideas.

Checkout RoadRaceEngineering as one of the few DSM tuners to stick with the 3G

As far as easy boltons go, you arent going to see much gains on a NA motor unless you get into NOS or a charger. Good luck with whatever you decide. I would stay away from big rims unless you get liteweight ones. Heavy wheels = slower car.
Lvl 18
ok, back to it after a while...

there's no aftermarket chip for a 3g eclipse

i'm 200 bucks away for having enough for the charger and its necessary upgrades, club 3g owners have not had success with turbos, so i'm going the charger route

AEM intake is on, has been for a while now...i cut out the fake grills in the front bumper and installed real air vents...more air resistance but better air for the intake (it sits directly inside the grill on the driver's side)

headers are sitting in the closet waiting for time to put them on

3g stock catback doesn't restrict much, so i'll wait on that

also new, sparco racing seats, harnesses, pads, etc...momo shift knob and pedals, 2 MTX 12s powered by a kenwood 600w (yuck, but free), with an alpine head of sound system is stock, but infinity...

so let's go from there thanks for the good input and ::puke:: on the bashers
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