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Women and their SUVs: Is anything scarier?

Starter: Stimpy57 Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.3K
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Lvl 28
I play a lot of COD4...does that count as time served in the middle east war zone?

If so, fuck yeah evilone *highfive*

@RD: That is a weird name for a woman, but I once met a woman named Laquishta...wimminz.
Originally posted by Honda_X

I play a lot of COD4...does that count as time served in the middle east war zone?

If so, fuck yeah evilone *highfive*

@RD: That is a weird name for a woman, but I once met a woman named Laquishta...wimminz.

Welcome to the club...lets go blow some crap up for fun!
Lvl 28

Originally posted by Honda_X

Wimminz in SUVs terrify me. My dad wont even loan my sister his monstrous truck, just because she's a girl.

Teenage girl + SUV + cell phone is an equation that equals some seriously scary fucking business.

Wasn't that the theme for a "B" rated horror movie once? "I know what you drove and who you text'd to last summer"
Originally posted by Honda_X


Lemme go round up the ammonium nitrate and the RDX. You bring some of that funky-ass skunky Canuck beer in the green bottles.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by ev1l0ne


Wasn't that the theme for a "B" rated horror movie once? "I know what you drove and who you text'd to last summer"

I like you.

I'll bring the beer, hopefully you can handle it.
S.U.V. (4WD)drivers of both sexes generally don't give a fuck about anyone else on the road, well I don't anyway

At least I give it a good thrashing off road quite often and tow stuff(3 tonne of scaffold etc)all the time.

Women are scary drivers no matter what they're behind the wheel of, that reminds of the time I let this fat chick have a go on my motorbike and she couldn't release the throttle, she ran up the road with the bike and ended up flat on her ass with the bike on top of her
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 7
Originally posted by ev1l0ne


So I should fit my two kids, wife and 196 pond dog in a Subaru when I go camping? How does that Subaru haul three cords of Oak firewood in a twelve by eight U-haul trailer?

Uh, you'd likely need a one-ton truck with a grain bed to haul three cords(4x4x8) of firewood. Sounds like you're the exception to the general SUV rule, too.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by EricLindros


This is a canard.

The United States imports most of its oil from Canada, Nigeria and Venezuela.

That being said, given a choice between the outlawing of types of vehicles vs. imposition of a 'gas-guzzler' tax, I suppose I'd go for the latter, although I'm still against the government intervening in market situations such as these.

It's Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Venezuela is #4, Nigeria is #5 and Iraq is #6.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by ev1l0ne


It's called a gas tax. If you use more gas you pay more tax.

BTW..I drive an SUV, out of necessity and I have done my time in the middle east in a war zone. Have you?

The guzzler tax is added to the sticker price. The Bugatti Veyron, e.g., is hit with a $7700 gas guzzler tax, though it's not that much more of a gas hog than a 3/4 ton 4WD Silverrado with a 6.0L V-8.

The gas tax you pay at the pump is added penalty.

Nope, no plans on being in the Middle East, whether as a tourist or soldier. Let those wackos fight it out amongst themselves.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Stimpy57


It's Canada, Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Venezuela is #4, Nigeria is #5 and Iraq is #6.

Ok, so I got 3 of the top five off the top of my head. The point remains that only one of the top five countries we import oil from is even in the region of the world that is constantly referred to as the reason we have military forces in the Persian Gulf area.
Lvl 7
For the most part SUVs which are for the most part based on truck frames were somewhat created by US automakers in order to sell high profit vehicles. Most people don't like to drive in a tin can and I'm pretty sure they don't want to fight a big rig while squeezed in a tin can as you might get squished out. If you want to put a tax on these vehicles go ahead, it'll kill of US automakers fast. Oh wait, we saw that this past summer when gas hit $4/gal. and GM dicided to shut down a large truck plant. Last one out of Flint, MI turn off the last light. Why do you think that you get a 10K discount on these things right now.

I have a Nissan Frontier and I use the bed on a fairly regular basis and I don't mind the gas price as we will pay it no matter what. My much better half drives a Nissan XTerra and loves it.

Now as far as the GF goes, she drives with a vengence and I really should get a brush guard on the nose of the XTerra. However she doesn't text, doesn't read Liberal rags, won't apply makeup, no window shopping and uses a handsfree headset while driving. Knock on wood she hasn't had an accident charged to her since a minor parking lot boo boo in 1992. Then again she has witnessed several excursions of stupidity by others that she had witnessed doing something stupid just before the accident.

My favorite was when a woman driving an SUV was talking on the phone and eating a muffin while driving down the road as about 40 mph. The woman ran a red light but shortly after my gf got the green she came upon the wreck of the woman with the phone and muffin. Being the good citizen she is my gf stopped and informed the police officer of what she had witnessed. The cop then had a field day of fun writing several more tickets.

Yeah, I'm afraid of most anybody in a SUV unless that person looks like they us it for WORK. Don't wreck the money maker.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by EricLindros


Ok, so I got 3 of the top five off the top of my head. The point remains that only one of the top five countries we import oil from is even in the region of the world that is constantly referred to as the reason we have military forces in the Persian Gulf area.

You knock any one of the Middle Eastern OPEC members out of production(remember the First Gulf War?) and all hell breaks loose in the oil market. Iraq's 600,000+ barrels/day doesn't sound like much until it isn't there anymore.

Good "top of your head" recall, too.
Lvl 14
Oh gawd. Don't get me started on the topic of female drivers, talking on cell phones, and even behind the wheel of vehicles much larger than what they can handle.

And insurance rates for females are much lower for them compared to us males. Holy shit. How did that one happen?

All I have to say is that we should be thankful of all the dotted lines and solid lines on the roads today.
Lvl 6
Absolutely! I had a chick on a cell phone run a stop sign in a Ford Excursion and missed the front tire of my motorcycle by about two feet.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by ev1l0ne

So I should fit my two kids, wife and 196 pond dog in a Subaru when I go camping? How does that Subaru haul three cords of Oak firewood in a twelve by eight U-haul trailer?

...first off, no i didnt go to iraq, i was stationed as an MP at fort dix for 2 years. second, i can haul as much lumber and wood as i want with my quad cab 2500hd. and ill hook up my car trailer and pull your SUV with the wood in the bed. and i dont think your going to fit 3 cords of wood in your SUV. (you are aware a cord of wood isnt one of those bundles they sell at 7-11 in the winter right?) my subaru is a toy. i use my truck as a truck and it has plenty of room for kids and a 196 pound dog.
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
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