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Women and their SUVs: Is anything scarier?

Starter: Stimpy57 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 1.3K
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Lvl 7
I don't know how many times I've been nearly rear-ended/side-swiped by a woman in her Tahoe/Navigator/Durango. I guess I'm supposed to just stay out of their way and bow politely as they pass.

Anyone else nearly terminated by a woman and her truck?
Lvl 8
Sure have, that Allstate commercial with the three broads in a Durango that have a crush on Kasey Kahne is pretty accurate in my opinion.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by Stimpy57

Women and their SUVs: Is anything scarier?

Yeah people on their fucking cellphones while driving. I can't count how many times I've nearly been hit by assholes ignoring traffic laws.
Lvl 9
ha. The worst is seeing a preppy high school/ younger girl driving a huge ass SUV because you know Daddy either lent her his car, or Daddy bought her her own gigantic, gas guzzling, earth polluting SUV. and it's just upsetting.

...and as a girl with a license, I have to say, I'm sorry. Haha I'm not the best driver, I do however take pride in not being a horrible driver, like my sister. ha
Lvl 18
SUV's in general are a mess. I live in rural MD and I'm amazed at the of the shit people drive. And honestly, its not like they've got 5 kids in there with them. Its a woman and 2 kids tops, yet there they are in a fucking boat.

If you can't park it, you shouldn't be allowed to drive it. Some of this fuckers need a damn harbor master.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by mrdorkbutt

SUV's in general are a mess. I live in rural MD and I'm amazed at the of the shit people drive. And honestly, its not like they've got 5 kids in there with them. Its a woman and 2 kids tops, yet there they are in a fucking boat.

If you can't park it, you shouldn't be allowed to drive it. Some of this fuckers need a damn harbor master.

"harbor master", .
Lvl 4
Originally posted by Stimpy57


"harbor master", .

Harbormaster is no match for the Master_baiter.
Lvl 4
Personally, I'd say I'm scarier than women in SUVs.

Take the SUV away from a woman, and the problem is fixed.

Take me away if you can. I bet you can't. I'll just hide out in your ganglia, where you can't get me.
Lvl 8
i think SUVs should be outlawed by the government, if you need a van, buy a van. if you need a truck get a truck. if you need something that seats 9 people. get a fucking hobbie and quit squirting out kids. why do you need a 6.0 GMC denali SUV with a 10000 lbs towing capacity to haul your kids to hockey practice? get real
Lvl 59
While I question the practicality of some of these monstrous SUVs, I really don't think the government should be able to say what I can and cannot purchase to drive. If I can afford to buy a 1-mpg tank, I should be allowed to do so, so long as it fits on the road.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by zeroflat

i think SUVs should be outlawed by the government, if you need a van, buy a van. if you need a truck get a truck. if you need something that seats 9 people. get a fucking hobbie and quit squirting out kids. why do you need a 6.0 GMC denali SUV with a 10000 lbs towing capacity to haul your kids to hockey practice? get real

I agree. SUVs are generally a huge waste. The answer: apply the same gas guzzler tax that nails Porsches,Benzs,Ferraris, etc to ALL SUVs,trucks,vans. Businesses could deduct the guzzler tax. Private owners would have to suck it up. Better than sending our kids off the Iraq,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia, etc.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by Stimpy57

Better than sending our kids off the Iraq,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia, etc.

This is a canard.

The United States imports most of its oil from Canada, Nigeria and Venezuela.

That being said, given a choice between the outlawing of types of vehicles vs. imposition of a 'gas-guzzler' tax, I suppose I'd go for the latter, although I'm still against the government intervening in market situations such as these.
Lvl 28
Wimminz in SUVs terrify me. My dad wont even loan my sister his monstrous truck, just because she's a girl.

Teenage girl + SUV + cell phone is an equation that equals some seriously scary fucking business.
Lvl 14
yeah one thing, Women in SUV's on their CELLPHONES!!!!
Lvl 29
I guess a big SUV is a dangerous thing no matter who's driving it!!

This happened about 20 miles from my home Friday night!!

Lvl 28
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

I guess a big SUV is a dangerous thing no matter who's driving it!!

This happened about 20 miles from my home Friday night!!

[ Image ]

Nah, it's just women. A woman must have done that.
Lvl 29
Originally posted by Honda_X

Nah, it's just women. A woman must have done that.

Odd name for a woman.

Sgt. Craig Kriner has been released from Wheeling Hospital but Sgt. Mike Anderson told NEWS9 Kriner has two broken shoulders.
Originally posted by zeroflat

i think SUVs should be outlawed by the government, if you need a van, buy a van. if you need a truck get a truck. if you need something that seats 9 people. get a fucking hobbie and quit squirting out kids. why do you need a 6.0 GMC denali SUV with a 10000 lbs towing capacity to haul your kids to hockey practice? get real

So I should fit my two kids, wife and 196 pond dog in a Subaru when I go camping? How does that Subaru haul three cords of Oak firewood in a twelve by eight U-haul trailer?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by rainbowdemon

Odd name for a woman.

Sgt. Craig Kriner has been released from Wheeling Hospital but Sgt. Mike Anderson told NEWS9 Kriner has two broken shoulders.

Well, it makes sense when you realize that a woman named her that goofy name.
Originally posted by Stimpy57


I agree. SUVs are generally a huge waste. The answer: apply the same gas guzzler tax that nails Porsches,Benzs,Ferraris, etc to ALL SUVs,trucks,vans. Businesses could deduct the guzzler tax. Private owners would have to suck it up. Better than sending our kids off the Iraq,Kuwait,Saudi Arabia, etc.

It's called a gas tax. If you use more gas you pay more tax.

BTW..I drive an SUV, out of necessity and I have done my time in the middle east in a war zone. Have you?
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