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Starter: Duderino Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.2K
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If you have a reason for doing it, then by all means carry on. I guess my main criticism is for all those kids out there who barely have nut hair and they get mommy and daddy to buy them a Japanese car. Then they spend all their money on upgrades to their little ricers. And for what? So the kids in their grade school will think they're cool when they swing by the playground?

With the money people spend customizing a Honda Civic (a very common car), for instance, they could have invested in a classic muscle car or something that will impress not only the teenagers but the car collectors as well. I don't know how it is everywhere else, but where I'm from it doesn't matter how tricked out you have a ricer, if a Dodge Charger or something pulls up next to you, no one's gonna be lookin' at your Honda.

But as I've said in several other posts on various threads, the world is full of different people with different tastes. It's all good, so long as everyone is enjoying what they're doing and proud of the effort they're putting in. Peace and love to you all!
Lvl 12
I was going to honor this thread with a reply, but then realized I don't really give a rats ass about cars, or car hifi for that matter. Carry on.
Lvl 12
lol Cobrian
Lvl 12
I was goinmg to say the same only this thread hasn't been acvtive for so long I though I would just let it rest but then I though...... never mind, I'm just talking crap now.I cant think clear, it's all going the wrong way....whoa.
Lvl 12
actually the new xplods are decent(the ones shaped like a pentagon)

i got a single 15" JL DVC
not installed yet, can't afford an amp worthy of pushing it.
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