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The Panther: Fastest Amphibious Car!

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 10 years ago Views: 1.3K
Lvl 30
The Panther is a new amphibious vehicle becoming available at the moment, and its makers boast that it is the fastest of its kind in the world. With a top speed of 45 mph (72 kph) on water, which is as fast as a speedboat, they are quite right. With this car, you can even water skate!

This amazing vehicle can be driven straight through land and onto water with hardly any slowing down, with the innovative vehicle going from car to boat mode in 15 seconds flat! The jeep model of the panther costs about $130,000 US.

Watch this all land/water beast in action!
I've always thought these were kinda weird. I mean...I like to drive, and I like to boat, but never have I been driving along and thought to myself....I wish I could drive my car on water. It doesn't make a great car, and it doesn't make a great whats the point? And at $135,000, why not jus buy a nice AND boat?
SydneySinbad, Goldseeker find this awesome.