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Oh what a grinder!

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 10 years ago Views: 6.4K
Lvl 30
Ever wonder what happens to all of those cars that nobody wants anymore?
Amazing that it can even do this to engine !!!
For those of you who've always been intrigued by wood chippers, stump grinders, rock wheels, and other machines of destruction...
Snozz_69, [Deleted], Goldseeker find this awesome.
Lvl 54
Damn that`s a brutal car crusher!
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 15
Pretty frigging awesome.
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Its kinda cool I guess, and somewhat disappointing that it doesn't appear that anything is being recycled.
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 71
Originally posted by Sugarpie
Its kinda cool I guess, and somewhat disappointing that it doesn't appear that anything is being recycled.

That's also what I was wondering too. Isn't there something to salvage from all this, especially the engine parts ?
Anyway, the car looked like it was a feather compared to the grinder :o
Lvl 19
Look closer and to the right. This machine was designed around the production of 100 % recycling throughput. We have several of these machines in LA.

All of the ground up bits...electrical, upholstery, tires and even the ground up engine blocks (! ) go right up the conveyer belt for sifting and recycling.

Every little bit is recycled even the spongy upholstery bits. I think Ford upholstery ( among others) use more than 50% recycled material.

There ya go !
DEMO, SydneySinbad, Goldseeker, omuh find this awesome.
Lvl 27
That's actually small compared to this one...
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.
Lvl 19
We all know yours is bigger
DEMO, SydneySinbad find this awesome.
Lvl 18
Those are pretty awesome.
SydneySinbad finds this awesome.