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how to make a original hood orniment...

Starter: FATHERTIME Posted: 14 years ago Views: 704
Lvl 28
Lvl 28
Here's a hard core drinker and one tough Dodge truck. The driver hit the left turn light and sheared it off at the base, and then kept driving on about 2 miles to Squires Four Pub, where he stopped for more beer!! How impaired do you have to be to NOT notice that you are carrying a stop light? The truck was towed about 2.5 miles to the Vernon towing yard, with the light still pinched between the two tow hooks and the bumper bent around it. It took several good hard pulls with a backhoe to get the pole free. Now that's what you call drunk driving.
Lvl 22

not at the driver,but at that story...

(I thought that I was going to learn a new trade)
Lvl 28
well, if you take up drinking and driving you can make some hood orniments...
Lvl 37
Just add air...

Lvl 37
Lvl 28
i really like the train one...