I think this is a rather inovative anti theft device!
WhoopassBill 20 years ago
to me it looks like the frontseat window is open in the old car, but closed in the new one
but it took me a while to figure it out
nickname777 20 years ago
This is a commercial for the car company KIA. It's played regularly in the US. KIA's are pieces of shit. If you see the whole commercial you can see how the cover changes to the real car (underneath) as the man pulls it off. They use him as a "wipe". Good effects, bad car.
uebrprvrt 20 years ago
Nice idea... Now, where could I get a cover that would make my 1978 car look like a new one?
* This post has been modified
: 20 years ago
nickname777 20 years ago
here is the entire commercial if you care
the video from the first post stops at about 13 seconds for me.
the video from the first post stops at about 13 seconds for me.
rainbowdemon 20 years ago
I see that commercial all the time. It's mildly amusing the first couple of times.
phenom... 20 years ago
Yea, i thought it was a clever commercial the first 2-3 times. Doesn't change my interest in Kia though. I'm just not a fan.
Pyscrow 20 years ago
I gotta a Kia Rio, had it a year or so, very impressed with the build quality and price! It cost $15000, as against the new BA Falcon ($30000) I got around the same time (Thats a ford for you yanks) The BA had shocking build quality, scratches all over it, uneven gaps in the doors, its got more rattles than a day care centre, rubber seals that didn't seal and the electronics are stuffed, every time it rains it blows fuses for 3 days, the electronics finally gave up all together the other day, had to flat bed it back to ford, a real old fashioned "monday car" .. Have not got it back from Ford yet.
The only problem I've had with the Rio was when I parked it for a couple of days on the farm, and mice ate a lead on the distributor. I think for half the price I got twice the car!
By the way, I have driven fords for 20 years, before getting the RIO, (and a Toyota Camry just recently). When the BA comes back its getting sold, I've had enough. No more Australian made cars for me!
I gotta a Kia Rio, had it a year or so, very impressed with the build quality and price! It cost $15000, as against the new BA Falcon ($30000) I got around the same time (Thats a ford for you yanks) The BA had shocking build quality, scratches all over it, uneven gaps in the doors, its got more rattles than a day care centre, rubber seals that didn't seal and the electronics are stuffed, every time it rains it blows fuses for 3 days, the electronics finally gave up all together the other day, had to flat bed it back to ford, a real old fashioned "monday car" .. Have not got it back from Ford yet.
The only problem I've had with the Rio was when I parked it for a couple of days on the farm, and mice ate a lead on the distributor. I think for half the price I got twice the car!
By the way, I have driven fords for 20 years, before getting the RIO, (and a Toyota Camry just recently). When the BA comes back its getting sold, I've had enough. No more Australian made cars for me!
Bossman- 20 years ago
To echo everyone else: clever commercial though I'm just not a Kia fan. Doesn't help that I still have that whole "Yes 2 Kia" promotion suck in my head. I also wish they wouldn't show that car cover commercial every commercial break... it reminds me why I've stopped watching television. Er, exempting Adult Swim, of course.