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g.m plan

Starter: FATHERTIME Posted: 15 years ago Views: 252
Lvl 28
Lvl 28
it's what the government was asking for... it's a long read and i haven't read it all, but it's worth reading...
Lvl 40
It is quite long and I skim read a lot of it but it seems that GM are trying to head in the right direction ..
Lvl 59
I have no confidence in GM staying afloat without taxpayer money for the foreseeable future. The economic climate in the US is horrible and won't materially improve for quite some time. Their estimation that they'll sell somewhere around 11M cars next year is quite optimistic.
Lvl 40
Originally posted by EricLindros

Their estimation that they'll sell somewhere around 11M cars next year is quite optimistic.

I guess they will be trying to sell to corporate and business clients and maybe try and ship more to overseas cliental. But you are right in saying 11M units is optimistic given the current financial mess that most of the world is in
Lvl 28
Originally posted by bluewatertwo

It is quite long and I skim read a lot of it but it seems that GM are trying to head in the right direction ..
that's what i was thinking... it's not perfect, but it's a start...
Lvl 59
The New GM Plan:

Lvl 22
this whole bailout thing has the effect of allowing big business to arrogantly continue with unrealistic business plans and procedures that are outdated and counter-productive. there is a reason for this economic meltdown that i don't personally know, but I sure as hell DO know that I am not happy about my tax dollars being handed over to these mega-wealthy corporate executives to spend at their leisure.

i say screw these guys. let them ALL go BK!! AIG, all the greedy mortgage companies, the car manufacturers...and let the chips fall where they may. the outcome will be a natural re-distribution of wealth. not the worst plan. and sure as HELL better than indenturing our kids and grandkids to the folly of this massive incurrance of national debt.

Lvl 8
the government is looking to appoint a "car czar" to oversee the whole thing. great, more of the government in business. thats what we need, to head toward socialism. also, capitalism IS MEANT TO FAIL from time to time. to let people learn from their mistakes and improve on them. do i want it to fail, fuck no. I'm a small business owner who is already feeling the effects of all this. but, i believe in capitalism at the same time.
Lvl 28
i think that a lot of independant truck drivers and companys went out of buisness because of the increase in fuel prices, where was the gov. then ???