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Drifting ????

Starter: woodbutcher Posted: 18 years ago Views: 1.2K
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Lvl 8
Jonny come latly here has learned about drifting.
I drive an "03 S-10 and have produced a few power slides on wet pavement
and the ocational skip or two on some turns>
anyone have thoughs or comments.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
lol chek this out learn from the arabs...
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
drifts are fun...until u realize that u held onto the gas too long only to sideswipe a car or pole, or spin out in the middle of an intersection...i havnt done either of these but seen people do it haha so my advice is to only do it when no ones around or in a parking lot!
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
No way, its boring in a parking lot. You need a corner to drift around. I have just got my first rear wheel drive car, a BMW 320 from `96. And in Scotland we have so many roundabouts its way more fun than just wasting tires in a parking lot. Btw those arabs in that vid are mental, imagine losing it with all those people around?
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
oh yea man sadly there wre vids were they do lose it and crash into the cars... but still there are the really good ones and the ones that shouldnt b owning cars.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 27
Practice in videogames. That'll work
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
I have a 1989 240sx with a brand new 180sx engine imported from japan, I drift race it pretty fun if you know what you are doing, the whole car is calibrated for drift racing, all light weight and everything non essential has been taken out, very fun sport round this way and more money then the street race thing
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 12
fun as fuck in snow i must confess
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 14
id recomend buying a tekidemics movie......... they have other stuff in the videos like street racing and wrecking brand new cars for the hell of it. i own the whole series they kick ass so much. also theres a differnce between drifting and a powerslide a drift accualy is keeping the car sidways and sliding threw a few turns... i dunno i just read that a few hours ago on a drifing forum. lol
Lvl 13
I've been drifting since I was 17, thats 5 years now. Now I'm not calling myself an expert, but rather someone with quite a bit of knowledge on it. So please I am asking you to listen to me.

First off, DON'T drift on the streets. Just cause that's how it started, doesn't mean go doing it here to. It's still so new and just getting started to be widely accepted here and there are plenty of places that have drifting events and such. It gives all of us a bad name and image when those eneducated people go out on the streets drifting and cause trouble and hurt people. Be smart about it and show them we are smart.

As for the "arab drifting" it's extremely stupid and unacceptable. Sure they look like they have great control of what they are doing, but there's a whole other story they don't show you with those videos. They do it on public roads with ton of people around...and it's not uncommon for them all to get hurt/killed. Be sensible about it. Here is a perfect example of what I'm talking about: Just think about if one of those people was one of your family or a friend, or even if one of those was your car. Not to great.

As for doing it in an s-10 I highly suggest NOT doing it. Why? Because drifting is mostly about weight transfer. Which means in a truck, with a higher center of gravity, and yes even in those "X-treme" s-10's, totally means you can/will flip that thing very very easily. Spend some money and get a cheap RWD car and do suspension work on it, you don't need tons of HP to get sideways. Nissan 240sx's and older Toyota Corollas can be had for very cheap and are the most common cars used in it and a great stepping stone with learning. I got my s14 for $700, the s13's can be had for even cheaper. Hell, there is even people out there with lowered trucks doing it...just be smart about it. Do the research first then try it somewhere safe like a sanctioned event or even a wide open parking lot without many light poles and stuff.

I guess I'm really rambling here and it's probably going to fall on deaf ears. Just don't do it on the streets, maybe it looks easy and fun, but it's very dangerous and dumb on the streets. If you have any questions or anything just PM me I'll try to help. I'm always willing to help fellow drifters.

p.s. - this is why I'm stressing the point about not doing it on the street. And yeah I know the links will be greylisted a while. I've been a member a long time, I just never ever post.
Lvl 7
oh bro i never said that arab drifting was smart, i know its stupid and some ppl died in it but still it has been done and its there... but dont condone it
Lvl 13
Oh no man, definantly don't get the wrong impression. I wasn't putting you down or anything. Just spreading the knowledge.
Lvl 13
Typically they recommend solid axel RWD cars like the old Celicas. Plus their doughnuts should cost a lot less to keep replacing since the tire bill for drifting is your biggest budget item.
Lvl 13
I hope you don't mean their spare when you say doughnut? And the solid axle doesn't matter, considering your most common drift cars are independent suspension all around...
Lvl 8
Originally posted by drinnan

No way, its boring in a parking lot. You need a corner to drift around. I have just got my first rear wheel drive car, a BMW 320 from `96. And in Scotland we have so many roundabouts its way more fun than just wasting tires in a parking lot. Btw those arabs in that vid are mental, imagine losing it with all those people around?

When I'm leaving work there is a one mile piece of road w/low traffic.

Immediately off the parking lot there's a subtle 'S' curve to the right.
1/2 a mile later is a 90* corner to left turning into a 90* corner to the right w/just (and I do mean just) enough road left to stop at the highway.

I'd cock an eyebrow at using the doughnut weels to save money too.
that dosen't sound wise if I understand you correctly

I asked my brother-in-law,(in front of my wife), if he could re-tune her satarn,(he rebuilt it after all), for drifting.

He lit up. she hit me.

Do Not triple post!
* This post has been modified by Mr._Self_Destruct : 18 years ago
Lvl 18
There is nothing like the feeling cruising at 30mph and kicking the ass out and going sideways!!

* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
In high school me and my friends used to play "starsky and hutch". We would drive our cars and try to drift/fishtail as much as possible especially in the rain. the rule: no brakes. you cant touch the brake. I used to be pretty good. I could parallel park by drifting. I could do a 180 going backwards and then go forward at the end of the 180. Ruined a lot of tires. hit a tree many mailboxes. made my moms friends husband wreck his car when he was chasing me. good times.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 9
Originally posted by mal

In high school me and my friends used to play "starsky and hutch". We would drive our cars and try to drift/fishtail as much as possible especially in the rain. the rule: no brakes. you cant touch the brake. I used to be pretty good. I could parallel park by drifting. I could do a 180 going backwards and then go forward at the end of the 180. Ruined a lot of tires. hit a tree many mailboxes. made my moms friends husband wreck his car when he was chasing me. good times.

Well. Im currently driving FWD, so there isnt lots of drifting involved, though, as the snow falls down, it is great fun in using the hand break aswell;D
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 17
Originally posted by kloff

In high school me and my friends used to play "starsky and hutch". We would drive our cars and try to drift/fishtail as much as possible especially in the rain. the rule: no brakes. you cant touch the brake. I used to be pretty good. I could parallel park by drifting. I could do a 180 going backwards and then go forward at the end of the 180. Ruined a lot of tires. hit a tree many mailboxes. made my moms friends husband wreck his car when he was chasing me. good times.

Well. Im currently driving FWD, so there isnt lots of drifting involved, though, as the snow falls down, it is great fun in using the hand break aswell;D

Oops yea thats how I used to park. I wish I could drift and park. Yea get going about thirty yank up the parking brake back end goes swinging around and the curb stops you..hopefully not to hard. I think I will teach my children how to drift if I ever have any.

Knowing what a car feels like skidding/hydroplaning is key to when it happens accidentally.

Omg I just remembered. I have a "friend" who took the neighbors kids to the movies. He found a large gravel parking lot and introduced them to doughnuts.
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
Lvl 7
its called fwd fastfood tray drifting ive seen a video b4 and ive tried it my self wit a rental pontiac pursuit wat a grat time steal two food trays from ur fav macdee outlet, reverse ur car onto them so ur BACK WHEELS are on the trays
lift ur e-break the hardest u can to keep the wheels from rolling off the trays.. rev and drop the rpm the back wheels slide like on ice ( stay ina parking lot and its great fun for 2 -3 mins til the trays have a whole in them and no damage to ur weels )
* This post has been modified : 18 years ago
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