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car tires

Starter: FATHERTIME Posted: 16 years ago Views: 758
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Lvl 22
thanks for the bump. i didn't see this when it was around before. hope alot more people watch the video.

Lvl 28
Originally posted by evildiaper

Why is this subject made out like it has been this huge secret kept from the world. DOT numbers are not new. The "secret code" has never been kept from consumers. Nobody has ever asked how to read it. If you purchase tires, you are supposed to go to the manufacturers websites and register the tires to you in case of a recall. Where is the big secret?
no one ever said that it was a big secret... most people do not know what the numbers mean, and this just lets them know...
Lvl 7
It was more of what was said in the video. It's all conspiracy theory like. There is more to the numbers than the last 4 digits. Yes age of a tire is important don't get me wrong, but there is no crystal ball that says today is the day a tire will come apart. There are some important things missing from the tests. Like how much underinflated did they run the tires to make them blow up? These videos are so biased it is comical to watch.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by evildiaper

It was more of what was said in the video. It's all conspiracy theory like. There is more to the numbers than the last 4 digits. Yes age of a tire is important don't get me wrong, but there is no crystal ball that says today is the day a tire will come apart. There are some important things missing from the tests. Like how much underinflated did they run the tires to make them blow up? These videos are so biased it is comical to watch.
i know, like when 60 minutes had video of a truck catching fire... but i thought it was a intresting video to watch.. and like i said, a lot of people never knew what the numbers meant... this would help give people some information on tires and what the numbers mean...
Lvl 7
In reality, the load index numbers are the ones people should be concerned with. Most tire shops ignore that number. That is how people get injured. That and the fact that most drivers are too lazy to check their tire pressure once per month as recommended by every tire manufacturer there is.
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