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car tires

Starter: FATHERTIME Posted: 16 years ago Views: 761
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Lvl 28
* This post has been modified : 15 years ago
Lvl 28
at least now, you can tell how old your tires are...
Lvl 7
My car has tires. That's creepy
Lvl 29

I just see this now? Just bought "new" front tires yesterday!!

Guess I have to crawl under the damn car, and look at that number.

Originally posted by GreenStones

My car has tires. That's creepy

Lvl 27
Thanks for the post!!!!!!! I spent 1,600 for two sets of tires (summer and winter) 8 months ago and I never knew about the manufacture date. I bought them from a Goodyear, I pray they are not old.
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 26
From now on before getting new tires put on my car, I'm having a look at that number before hand.
Lvl 28
i'm glad some people watched this... i never knew what all the numbers were for either... and to think, i just bought 5 new tires not to long ago...
Lvl 28
i had to bump this back up in case anyone missed it... it's a informative watch....
Lvl 29
Ty for the 411!
Lvl 59
I just bought 4 $170 tires. Good times.
Lvl 27
Now I want to go check out my tires
Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros

I just bought 4 $170 tires. Good times.
if you look, i posted this almost 4 months ago.... i bumped it back up, because i bought a set of new tires including a spare that i thought were new... it turns out that 3 of them were 3 years old, but 2 were newer.... i was pissed because i was buying new tires.. i just wanted to make sure everyone on wbw new what the numbers on the tires meant, and what to look for when buying them...thanks for watching the video, fathertime (larry)..
Lvl 27
In my opinion, all manufactures of anything should put a, manufacture date, not a code that needs to be broken to see how old something is...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Demonicmale

In my opinion, all manufactures of anything should put a, manufacture date, not a code that needs to be broken to see how old something is...
i agree 100%... like i said, i was pissed... i'll keep bumping this thread as long as they don't take the link down to let members know what these numbers mean...
Lvl 20
Thank you for the bump. I consider myself a car guy and well-educated on cars.

This is something I never realized, never knew, and never even thought about.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Tarquin

Thank you for the bump. I consider myself a car guy and well-educated on cars.

This is something I never realized, never knew, and never even thought about.
no problem... i've been into cars all my life, but when they started to change the numbers, i never knew what they were for... i think everyone needs to be informed about this... i posted this a while ago, but i got few responses... i just thought i would bump it back up in case people missed it, or new members never got a chance to see it...thank you for taking the time to watch it...
Lvl 27
I'm betting, most people like myself never gave a second thought to all the numbers on the tires. And who would have thought they would sit on dealers shelves for years before being sold either...
Lvl 28
Originally posted by Demonicmale

I'm betting, most people like myself never gave a second thought to all the numbers on the tires. And who would have thought they would sit on dealers shelves for years before being sold either...
that's why i think everyone should see this....
Lvl 7
Why is this subject made out like it has been this huge secret kept from the world. DOT numbers are not new. The "secret code" has never been kept from consumers. Nobody has ever asked how to read it. If you purchase tires, you are supposed to go to the manufacturers websites and register the tires to you in case of a recall. Where is the big secret?
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