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Are you a good driver?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.4K
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I've had three accidents with car damage (one totaled). A few bumper on bumper but I don't count those sense there was no real damage.
Lvl 18
3-5 , i have been driving over 18 yrs.
Lvl 24
Never been in an accident.

But I have had my front driver side lights broken at the grocery store or something.

I'm also not a safe driver. If the road is empty, and well lit, I like to see if I can do certain things.

Like take a 130 degree turn at an intersection at like 50-60mph and such. Fun times.
Lvl 11

And i drive 120,000+ miles a year , i have come close a few times , people still seem to think you can easily beat a 80,000 lb semi except it takes a semi well over a football field to stop if it's loaded.Trust me , you be better off hitting a concrete wall at 65 mph then getting tagged by an 80,000 lb semi.

people should have to ride with a semi once , just to see how many idiots there are on the road.Not saying that all the truck drivers are courteous , there's enough assholes that drive semi's aswell...but overall they are pretty courteous.

And stop passing a truck on the right side... give the damn truck some time to go back to the right can't just swing a semi from one side to the next.
Lvl 28
Originally posted by SyPTo


And i drive 120,000+ miles a year , i have come close a few times , people still seem to think you can easily beat a 80,000 lb semi except it takes a semi well over a football field to stop if it's loaded.Trust me , you be better off hitting a concrete wall at 65 mph then getting tagged by an 80,000 lb semi.

people should have to ride with a semi once , just to see how many idiots there are on the road.Not saying that all the truck drivers are courteous , there's enough assholes that drive semi's aswell...but overall they are pretty courteous.

And stop passing a truck on the right side... give the damn truck some time to go back to the right can't just swing a semi from one side to the next.
also, what i hate is when you are on the expressway and someone is getting on from a ramp... you move over to the left lane to make room for them and then they ride next to you, not letting you back over and leaving you blocking the left lane....
Lvl 18
im an excellent driver yeah yeah im definitely an excellent driver
Lvl 11
Originally posted by FATHERTIME

...also, what i hate is when you are on the expressway and someone is getting on from a ramp... you move over to the left lane to make room for them and then they ride next to you, not letting you back over and leaving you blocking the left lane....

i can make a whole paragraph with idiot moves...

1) passing a semi going downhill and getting in front of the semi ... a semi picks up speed quick...we have to otherwise we won't make it up the next hill...

2) speeding up when getting passed by a semi..

3) brake huggers (most of the times those are the people driving an automatic with 2 feet) it takes a loaded semi almost a mile to go from 55 to 65 mph.

4) people using bright lights behind a truck... do you have any idea how blinding this is when you have mirrors that are 15x larger then the ones on your car ? , also trucks are higher , so even a jersey barrier won't keep a truck from getting blinded by opposing traffic with bright lights on.

5) turn signals are there for a reason , you use them to show that you are planning of making a turn, you don't use them when you are actually already in the turn

6) when it get's dark or the weather is bad you need to use your head lights , it's not so you can's so we can see you...

7) waiting last minute to merge. it's not smart to play chicken with a 40 ton vehicle...cause it will beat you ...

i have quite a few more but those are the major ones
Lvl 18
ive had 3 accidents 2 of them were severe
1989 mazda rx7 *
1986 chevy monte carlo ss *
1965 mustang i cried about this one
ive only had 2 accidents...
one i was rear-ended by some dumb fucker....who couldnt see the red light i was stopped at..
and the other, well....not really a car accident, i just ran some fuckwit over with beat up car....broke a shitload of his bones..

but its ok....he deserved it..

@ EL - remind me to never ever EVER drive near you man
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Latino

ive only had 2 accidents...
one i was rear-ended by some dumb fucker....who couldnt see the red light i was stopped at..
and the other, well....not really a car accident, i just ran some fuckwit over with beat up car....broke a shitload of his bones..

but its ok....he deserved it..

@ EL - remind me to never ever EVER drive near you man

what did that chap do to deserve you hitting him with a car?youve told me this story before but alas i have forgotten it.
Originally posted by Mr.Poop


what did that chap do to deserve you hitting him with a car?youve told me this story before but alas i have forgotten it.

it all began in a fight that was started by fuckhead rugby players..
we were having a party for a deceased friend, raising money so his mum could pay all his funeral fees..
and these fuckers picked a fight.....and at the end when we were leaving, they surrounded my car and through a rock at
the rear window and cut my brother in the back off the neck...

so i ran them down
Lvl 4
wow dood ... youre a shitty driver lol. Im 30 and havent had an accident ... even have a zx14 (which i also dragrace) and 2 racing quads (mx/tt/flat track) .. havent wrecked them either
Lvl 21
i'm at 3now...
1. in the fog i didn't notice someone else was on my lane and he hit me head on, the car behind me, then sandwiched me, car total loss almost one meter/yard shorter. And me luckyly only "minor" damage (two broken feet, some broken ribs, left wrist broken and a broken nose) (car looks something like these
2.i didn't gave way and a nissan patrol smashed my opel kadett in the side, that car was a meter/yard longer and i didn't have any injuries. ( not of the wreckage, but a "before pic"
3.with my current car i've hit mostly trees, bushes, mailboxes, old buildings and other stuff that's in my way when backing up... it's not that i can't drive, but i just don't see it... and two years ago in france, in a medieval village i couldn't make my turn in the narrow streets, so that's the "old buildings" in the list

this is for about 8years now. and well over 200.000miles traveled... and with the second accident even the police said it was my fault, but i couldn't help it. it was a very strange situation on a road where i've never been before, i still don't get how i didn't see that other car... but that's one severe accident that was my fault, the number three is just everything i knocked over with my XM... when you put that car in reverse it "puts her ass up in the air", so really you can drive over almost anything...sometimes it is "nescecary'' to turn in tight spaces or so...
Lvl 20
Lifetime? I've had more than 10. In the last 15 years though? 2. Both were my fault. One I hit a deer. The other I flipped off a mountain on ice.

These were flukes of course, but in both cases I should have been more prepared or paying more attention, and I accept the responsibility for the accident.

By and large I think I'm a good driver - but I've gotten worse in recent years. I can tell. It's starting to show and sneak up on me.

So sure, I confess, I'm getting worse.

Did you know that over 90% of drivers think they're a "better than average" driver?

True story. Just goes to show how bad at introspection some of us (most of us) can be.
Lvl 21
i'm not saying that i'm a "good" or "better than average" driver. It's just that whenever i go out with friends, i have to be te sober one... or at least that what choose to do... i think they never had any complaints 'bout my drivin'.
but to be honest, i sometimes do make mistakes, sometimes worse than other...
most of the time on roads that i don't know or situations that i'm not familiar to... but luckily i have some great buch of guardian angels above...
and it's just defensive driving that gets you everywhere safe and at a decent mileage!
oh, and then there is this ''accident" when my brakes didn't work properly...
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