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Are you a good driver?

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 15 years ago Views: 1.4K
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Lvl 59

How many accidents have you had?

  • 1-2

    55.00% (22)

  • 3-5

    27.50% (11)

  • 5-7

    5.00% (2)

  • Billy Joel (10+)

    5.00% (2)

  • Never driven. I live in 1785.

    5.00% (2)

  • 7-9

    2.50% (1)

Votes: 40
Some chick at school had a car accident. So that's no big deal, but the conversation turned to vehicle accidents and I obviously made the conversation about me, because who else is important? Anyway, I kind of came to the conclusion that I'm not the safest driver in the world.

I suppose you could categorize me as an 'offensive' driver, because the best defense is a good offense, you know.

Anyway, I've had like 6 that I can count, but only 5 if you don't count the deer that jumped out in front of me. Stupid deer. EDIT: Ok, as I started to list them, it turns out it was a couple more. Whoops.

1. Hit a car pulling out at the end of my street. Minor damage. The view was kind of restricted by some bushes or something. Meh.

2. Hit a dude stopped at a green light. Minor damage. Fucker. On the bright side, I made him spill his coffee all over himself. . Also, this was the dialogue:
Him: "WTF, man! You made me spill my coffee all over myself!"
Me: "Yeah. "
Him: "So, do you have a cell phone to call the cops"
Me: "I have a cell phone. But you're not using it to call the cops. But you're welcome to have my insurance info."
Him. "Grumble grumble."

Ok, moving on.

3. Hit a deer. Fucker just jumped out in front of me. Nothing I could do. Grille and bumper damaged (minor).

4. Hit some dude's truck. Was pulling out of a parking garage and I thought this guy was going to turn into the lane I was coming out of, so I went. He didn't. The corner of my Jeep Wrangler bumper pierced his pickup truck rear passenger fender, ripping out his tail-light having it rattle down the road. I got out, picked it up and walked it over to him and said, "Here's your taillight" I was kind of funny. I ended up buying him off too. Like $500 or something.

5. Got distracted and accidentally took my foot off the clutch, hitting my mother's car parked in front of our house. Broke her license plate light. So that doesn't count.

6. Hit a telephone pole and a mailbox. Not a personal one, one of those blue ones. I probably shouldn't have been reading the for-sale sign in the yard on the corner. Car totaled.

7. Bumped into a chick in front of me at a stop-sign. I was looking down the road, and just kind of figured she went since there was like a quarter mile of empty road, so as I inched forward I found out that she hadn't gone. Oops. Minor damage.

8. Rolled my Jeep Grand Cherokee. Hit a patch of ice and spun around in a 360. Craziness. Ended up in a field on its side, with me hanging in the air as the car was resting on the passenger side door. Awkward. Car totaled, obv.

9. Backed into some dudes car at work. (No damage to me. $700 worth of damage to his shitty car)

10. Going around a curve on a rainy day. Apparently wasn't in 4-wheel drive. Rear end slid out from behind me, which then sent me into the opposite lane of traffic, where I came to rest with my two front wheels against the opposite curb. At which point I was hit broadside by a boxtruck coming the other way. Both cars totaled. There's more to it, but I'm not getting into it here. Here's what my car looked like afterward:

Anyway, I came to the conclusion today, that I have to admit I'm a shitty driver. I mean, I'd like to think that it's all the other idiots out there, and not me, but the common denominator here seems to be me, so I guess I'll just take it there. I'm pretty sure it's due to my impatience, as I have no patience for anyone, or for being stopped in my car at any time. As long as I'm moving I'm happy. So, anyway, I guess I qualify for the Billy Joel category.

Which one of you idiots is worse than me? Someone? Please?
Lvl 27
Somewhere between 3 and 5, I think

And I'm the only person I know that has wrecked a Suburban, and crashed an airplane at the same time
That's funny as h_ll, because i am a airplane mechanic.

Originally posted by Demonicmale

Somewhere between 3 and 5, I think

And I'm the only person I know that has wrecked a Suburban, and crashed an airplane at the same time
Where's the 0 option?
Lvl 27
Originally posted by

Where's the 0 option?

With as many wrecks as he's been in, he's lucky to remember his name, let alone anything else
Lvl 18
That is a lot of crashes, dude. when you drive, you need to take your hand off of Honda's dong and keep it on the wheel :-)

I've had...1 on the way to see a girl on our Capital Beltway when I was 18....hit a deer in my wife's new car when we were both 19...some chick in a mall parking lot and I hit each other. It was her fault.

3. Maybe a 4th I forgot. I think 3.
Lvl 14
I'm 1-2 that are my fault well over 10 years ago. The others have been the other persons(bed shitters) fault.

I don't know what I should admit to as I don't want to be incriminating my self. I do have a nice, fast muscle car that I enjoy.

Other than that in my little fart car I know I don't have the power and drive like a white man.
Lvl 7
During the early days of driving and suffering from bravedo and stupidity I have had 6 accidents. The last one was a DUI, my first and last. Since 1982 I've had no accidents that can be charged to me and one when somebody rearended me during stop and go traffic. Didn't spill anything but I didn't get to finish my sausage-egg-cheese biscuit.

My rules to avoid accidents:
1. Everybody else on the road is an idiot. Drive fast and avoid them by separation.
2. Always have an escape route. Know where you are in relation to the type of road and other vehicles and go for the open spot.
3. Maintain your lane unless the idiot behind you really needs to go past you at light speed. He'll get the ticket and you will be at grandma's for dinenr faster.

Knock on wood, thump-thump, I've been lucky and good with my driving. My insurance rates are next to nothing compared to years ago when I was a fuckup.
Lvl 29
Only had three accidents. Drunk for two of them, but only one of them was my fault.
Lvl 59
Originally posted by

Where's the 0 option?

Good question. I was pretty sure I had it on there. Oh well, I guess the "I don't drive" option works for that.

Originally posted by Demonicmale


With as many wrecks as he's been in, he's lucky to remember his name, let alone anything else

har har har
Lvl 9
I can only think of two that my fault... and they were minor

1. Parallel parked into a tiny spot and backed into the car behind me as I was leaving the spot... there wasn't much damage except for a scrape or two

2.(That same day, not 2 hours later I must've been shaken up about the first one haha) I was an aaaabsolute moron in a parking garage -I pulled into a spot that was apparently reserved for who knows who (they could've marked it better) but I realized it as I was pulling in and like jerked into reverse I guess and just side swiped the wall. haha some nice white paint across the passenger side...

I'm sure there were more minor ones like the first one... I just can't bring them to memory, so i put 3-5

Another accident I got stuck in freaking parked traffic on the parkway and the asshole behind me decided it would be a good idea to slam right into me and push me into the car in front of me. Asshole had my dog limping for two weeks. ...and I had to spend even longer in that damn traffic.

as for how I drive... much like steelnail explained...
Lvl 28
I've never had an accident.

Although I must admit I'm not a super safe driver..I drag race, I power slide...I do weird shit like put the cruise control on and stand on the seat out of the sunroof/convertible...I get pissed off easily and drive erratically, and threaten people with beatings. But, I always come to a full stop at stop signs, I always signal and yield properly, I am a fantastic driver, we live in the country and I dodge deer on a weekly basis, my reflexes are ridiculous from dirtbike racing.

When I was 17 I was driving with my mom, and this douchebad wouldn't get off my bumper...and he we so close I thought he was going to bump me, so I floored it, and since my dads car is a fucking bullet, I rocked his shit pretty good...then he flew up to pass and I slowed down, then he sat beside me and my mom screamed "he's pointing a gun at us".. That's when I decided it was go time, I fucking floored it, I was passing all kinds of shit and pulling about 140MPH and this dude was trying to keep up. I accidentally listened to my mom, and made a right on what she thought was a road, it turned out it was a driveway into a swamp and I stopped, and the car screeched up behind us, so I threw it in reverse and started driving down the road backwards, once I hit the rev limiter I pulled a 180 and took off, the guy didn't have time to get his shit together to follow me. We figured it was best to let it go, just go home and calm down. I parked the car in the back in case some how the guy was following us, I didn't want him to come back in the night and kill me in my sleep, because he was clearly unbalanced.

Well the next day the police came to my house, guess who was chasing me? The off duty chief of police. He claimed it was his badge he pointed me, which was probably bullshit. But the officer at my house was a different guy, I told him what happened and he understood. I was being chased by someone who I thought pointed a gun at me, and had no way of identifying themselves as a police officer. So I did what anyone would do when a lunatic was chasing them would do. According the cop that came to my house (who thought the whole thing was kinda funny, I guess the chief is a douche or something) said that the chief was so pissed off I out drove him, when he called for back up he had to hold the phone away from his ear, that's how loud the dude was screaming. I lol'd.

Cops go their whole careers looking for a sweet highspeed chase so they can be some'd I was 17 and a I out drove his ass. I guess some of it might have been the car..

Nice thread Lindros...
Lvl 28
i've had 2 accidents in almost 23 years of driveing... i've also been a truck driver for about 14 years, so i have a lot of miles under my belt...
Lvl 59
Originally posted by FATHERTIME

i've had 2 accidents in almost 23 years of driveing... i've also been a truck driver for about 14 years, so i have a lot of miles under my belt...

Figures; an old man driving like an old man.
Lvl 7
Most recent one involved a dickhead in his H1 Hummer. I was in the left lane. He was in the right lane. It was raining and he didn't even see my old, clunky Mercury Sable as he tried to make a left turn from the right lane. Totaled the Sable. Bent a rim, scraped the bumper on his H1 Hummer.

The bad news: He was a friend of the local sheriff and the officer at the scene tried to write me a ticket "for being in his blind spot." Four months later...Hummer guy finally gets cited, I threaten legal action and eventually collect $1300 for my poor '91 Sable. Moral of the story: Cops are and always will be dickheads.
Lvl 18
Originally posted by Stimpy57

Most recent one involved a dickhead in his H1 Hummer. I was in the left lane. He was in the right lane. It was raining and he didn't even see my old, clunky Mercury Sable as he tried to make a left turn from the right lane. Totaled the Sable. Bent a rim, scraped the bumper on his H1 Hummer.

The bad news: He was a friend of the local sheriff and the officer at the scene tried to write me a ticket "for being in his blind spot." Four months later...Hummer guy finally gets cited, I threaten legal action and eventually collect $1300 for my poor '91 Sable. Moral of the story: Cops are and always will be dickheads.

Another moral, people who drive Hummers are ass-holes with little beans.
Lvl 14
Ive had 3 accidents in my life.

#1 - Totalled my first car when i was 18 barely 6 months after getting it. Tried to go around a hairpin bend at 100 mph. Didnt work so well cause the road was wet and i became best friends with a big ass tree!

#2 - Connected with a merc whilst fiddling with the radio and trying to eat a hamburger at 3am. - 15 years ago. - (last car accident and minor damage)

#3 - The Coup de tat - Came off my bike at approximately 130 mph. - Severely concussed - Refused medical attention (Two helicopter crews wanted to airlift me to hospital) Bike totalled - It actually burst into flames as the fueltank slipped and shorted out on the battery and went pop! A full fuel tank as well.

My short term memory is still not all that but the first 6 months after the fall was the worst. I would miss days and sometimes weeks - Blink and its gone!
I was in two bad accidents as a passenger when I was much younger. Since I started driving I've managed to roll five cars, a suzuki, two datsuns a gemini and a toyota hilux but only on flat country roads in extreme conditions. I don't think this makes me a bad driver, a more experienced driver maybe. I've always had pride in the way I can handle a car, when you can hold a 360 on the freeway at 160klms in a shitbox with bald tyres you've pretty much got it down pat. But I'll never count my chickens, look what happened to Ayrton Senna.
Lvl 22
Only 2 since 1970. no major damage or injuries although a honda car ended up on the hood of my 280ZX an inch from the windshield in 1991

I drive like Steelnail, too. Look for the open spot.

Lvl 28
Originally posted by EricLindros


Figures; an old man driving like an old man.
i think i was driving before you were born....are you even old enough to be on this site ???
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