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Anyone remember the 4X truck?

Starter: -Submerge- Posted: 16 years ago Views: 274
Lvl 6
I saw a post a while ago on here which was basically a shit hot truck that 4X (I think, some beer company anyway) uses to promote it's beer... anyone know where the thread went? I can't find it in the cars forum?!
Lvl 24
Do we need a "What's that car" forum to go with "Who's that girl?"

Lvl 21

Pics are all dead...
Lvl 6
Cheers for that, shame the pics are dead tho.
Lvl 6
Cheers for that, shame the pics are dead tho.
Lvl 24
pretty quick on the help suckface :P

too true, sucks about the pics being removed.

Thread moved...

The Lounge -----> General Car Forum
Lvl 6
Why do I appear to be double posting then!? Think my PC may be having a funny turn...
Lvl 21
ask cooper to repost them
Lvl 27
Originally posted by waywardson

ask cooper to repost them

I did, he said he'd try to find them and repost them
Originally posted by -Submerge-

I saw a post a while ago on here which was basically a shit hot truck that 4X (I think, some beer company anyway) uses to promote it's beer... anyone know where the thread went? I can't find it in the cars forum?!

It's back dude....that will cost you 5 cents