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Anyone know anything about Focus door handles?

Starter: Thamuz Posted: 11 years ago Views: 949
Lvl 26
Randomly one day I went to my car and the door handle was very loose. It just wiggles around and stays open when I pull it out. I finally got in there today to take it all apart after getting my new door handle I received in the mail but it appears it is not the door handle that is broken because the new one does the same thing.

After playing with it for a while, I realized that the bar didn't seem to be attached to the handle in any way so I couldn't figure out how it was supposed to work at all. I then came on here to do some investigating. The bar works fine when I pull it down manually.

After doing some searching around online I decided to check the bottom of the door for broken parts and found this:

I'm not 100% it's related but since nothing else is broken on that door, I'm assuming it is but I have no idea how to reattach it.

Any ideas?
Lvl 18
this my sound stupid, but the bolt is half out.
Does the piece you found fit over the inside of the handle?
Lvl 26
Lol I know its half out. It's because I needed to unscrew that to get the door handle off.
It doesn't fit any way that I've tried. Also my new one didn't come with that piece. I'm beginning to think that piece is not related because I've looked up every single focus door piece diagram I could find and I don't see that piece on any of them.