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Why are you moderaters not accepting my pictures? Why, why, why?

Starter: Hemi Posted: 20 years ago Views: 457
Lvl 19
Anybody know this hottie?
Lvl 14
Hi Hemi I haven't seen that piicture, It is a grat picture and i would accept it. So when it happens again send me a privat massage. I moderate the most of the pictures. haha Maby one of the moderators was thinking that is was a photoshop picture.
Lvl 14
wtf? how does that work?
Lvl 21
man ive heard of having "lot of butt"! but this is too much!
Lvl 12
I could almost swear I know that chick! I mean I know (and hope) it's not actually her, but if I had the permission, i'd upload a picture of the girl i'm talking about and you'd see..

This is scary.
Lvl 13
Um....that's a doctored picture....that's why she has 2 asses. I have seen the origional and it's only one string going down to one ass.
Lvl 12
Damn. Then it could actually be her. I don't like this
Lvl 12
yeh, kinda weird how yer spine just kinda plits into two spines near the small of her back
Lvl 12
I think it's something wrong with that ass, but I can't figure out what.