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What Precautions do you take? Egyptian style

Starter: britmonkey Posted: 13 years ago Views: 695
Lvl 25
Following set of pics demonstrates the inventiveness and enterprising minds at work during the recent gatherings throughout Egypt.

Quite a few novel ideas don't you think ?

So just to outline here – these are makeshift helmets made by the Egyptians whilst scrapping in their current predicament.

I shall guide you through these pieces of registered non standard army kit:

Your classic 1979 ‘Tribottle’ helmet – a must in any type of combat

A late 80’s ‘boxhat’. The bloke next to him doesn’t appear too sure of its effectiveness

A renaissance period piece of brickwear teamed with a black and cream scarf. Textbook

Im not sure that tuna sarnie he is about to lob is gonna cause too much destruction.
Old skool 80’s broken bin helmet.I personally love the fact he needs to lift it up to see –
Does he spend the rest of the time walking in to things??

Textbook saucepaning with lifejacket combo. He's not taking ANY $hit!!

I literally have no idea what this is.

And the winner by 100 miles.
This bloke is going to war with 2 baguettes strapped to his ears and a ham salad roll sellotaped to his forehead.
I’d deffo wanna be behind him if someone lobs a load of bricks at me.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 27
Normally I could think of some comment for this... But... I got nuttin
Lvl 12
The baguette helmet ...

Good stuff
Lvl 27
Originally posted by hornithologist

The baguette helmet ...

Good stuff

Guess he's at least planning on staying alive till lunch
Lvl 5