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Thought that you might like to know this!

Starter: SydneySinbad Posted: 14 years ago Views: 1.2K
Lvl 30
Lvl 22
Sweet, thanks Syd.
Lvl 37
Thanks , I'm ready!
Lvl 17
Lucky for me so am I...
Lvl 21
Medi Critma!
Lvl 9
I've been busy this month but I'll be ready when the big day arrives.

I hope
Lvl 51
i'm ready!

thx sydney
* This post has been modified : 14 years ago
Lvl 29

I think it's going to be a pretty nice one this year!! Finally!!

I wish the rest of you guys a good one too!!

Lvl 30
Ty for all the PM's plus the Posts. Yes, as I speak, a little over 10 hrs and 30 mins for the big event (as we in Downunder are a bit ahead (as in time) than most of you Northerners.) It is now near 1.30pm Christmas Eve in Sydney.
Lvl 22
Again thanks Syd, I just finished spending my whole $24.95 !

Good times...
Merry Christmas to all of you and God Bless
Lvl 10
Wooo Hooo Merry Christmas everyone (when it gets here)

Lvl 26
Very cool....
Lvl 30
Merry Christmas Kimmie, from Downunder. (now midnight!)