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The Minute Show (YouTube videos)

Starter: TheItch Posted: 13 years ago Views: 5.4K
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Lvl 27
I don't mind waiting for good original material
Lvl 13
Better late than never I hope Episode 6 @CharlieSheen tigerblood special


Pity it didn't allow me to pick one of the views of my girlfriend half naked for the front page/thumbnail, but there you go.
Lvl 27
Still winning, even with your head in the toilet
Lvl 13
This was a lot of fun to do despite the huge number of interruptions and setbacks. I also managed to very nearly upload a compilation of nude outtakes from that episode to YouTube. I'll have to convince the other half to let me post that too if I ever get to 1000 subscribers
Lvl 27
I subscribed a couple days ago, so that makes you one step closer

And just to say it again, I loved the tiger blood episode
Lvl 13
I think the funniest part was the idea, vaguely suggested in teh drug sequence, where Sarah Palin is one of Sheen's Goddesses.
Lvl 13
And my nude nun is back in town, so we'll see if we can do anything there. I expect the next episode Friday, all things being equal.
Lvl 27
Friday is good for me, don't think I have any plans
Lvl 22
I'm good for friday

Also add 1 to your tubes
Lvl 13
After reading around the web on this whole Charlie Sheen (and his goddesses) thing, there's clearly way too much hate out there for Bree Olsen. And now I think I really want Bree Olsen on a future episode. How the hell do I go about that!?
Lvl 27
On one interview I seen she was talking about how she, charlie, and some other woman were one big happy family, don't know how that could be worked in, but maybe you could have an idea or 2 about it lol
Lvl 22
Perhaps only Demo and I find Theltech's vid's amusing. Perhaps they just need a little BUMP
Lvl 13
Perhaps I need to make MORE! Been a huge week of trying to finish that 3rd draft of my book, so things have slipped, though I was happy enough with one while I've got my 'writer' hat still nailed to my head. Should be a new episode today, tomorrow at the latest.

And at the very least, you get to see my gf mostly naked in the most recent episode!

Lvl 27
Your girl sure seems like a good sport
Lvl 27
Funny Stuff
Lvl 13
There are loads of these ‘tagging’ videos/vlogs out there on the Internet, and I found an open video tag via the guy behind the WhatTheBuck show and wondered what my character Bernad would make of it.


This was supposed to be quick but thanks to deciding to do voice over for Leni’s role, it added a few hours (thanks to interruptions too).
Lvl 37

Did the interruptions have anything to do with the last props shown?
Lvl 13
Hah. They were dug out for that. Those cuffs are tiny. But then they're not for my wrists anyway. The ballgag... have to keep some secrets I think.
Lvl 8
Good stuff Theltch! I really liked the Valentines Day and Winning episodes.
Lvl 27
I'm thinking if we could get TheItch, and Artie together and do a spin off of Arties radio show he used to do on WBW, that would be some funny funny shit

I miss Arties radio show...

Ps: Itch, I'll watch your latest episode as soon as my house quiets down and I can actually hear it
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