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playboy nightmare

Starter: Hellofriend Posted: 20 years ago Views: 1.3K
Lvl 12
what this is true.....(kots) (kots)
Lvl 12
words can not describe how wrong that really is
Lvl 13
typical drag show. a certain type of guys like it.
Lvl 12
Eeeek. What a way to ruin a night.
Lvl 14
A few of the photos on her that are supposedly women do look an awful lot like they are guys in drag. Yeach.
Lvl 13
......... .......... WTF, that was just wrong.
Lvl 14
(kots) period.
Lvl 12
and props to the pser
Lvl 12
Yeah its a very cool photoshop pic

weird though that hardly anyone understood that seeing how they replied..
Lvl 12
My virgin eyes! They burn! Hellofriend, never again!
Lvl 12
attempting to stab my eyes out witha rusty spoon (works better that way)
Lvl 13
Thats gay.