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Movie quotes guessing

Starter: RumDum Posted: 16 years ago Views: 7.7K
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Lvl 16
^^throws a bonus in there, I like it..^^
Lvl 13
Apocalypse Now? I think...
Lvl 4
full metal jacket?
Lvl 21
I think you are right NaughtyGypsy
Lvl 13
I think so, too. So... For the sake of the thread, I'm going to go ahead and throw out the new one...

Look maybe you don't understand, I'm Mr. Juntao's lawyer, legal advisor, he got into some shit again and he told me to come down here and I'm a very busy man, ain't got time to be down here this late but I'm down here, my wife want me to come home, my baby is shittin' all over the house, he needs diapers, would you please go get Mr. Juntao?
Lvl 12
Originally posted by NaughtyGypsy

Apocalypse Now? I think...

Sorry., I was gone for a few days!
Lvl 15
Haha rushhour 1, the best of the 3 :P
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Fleke

Haha rushhour 1, the best of the 3 :P

You got it, and I agree.

Your turn to post a quote.
Lvl 21
In interest of keeping the thread going...

My mother told me to be wary of Fauns.
Lvl 16
Is that Rudolph..
Lvl 21
lol Nope, not Rudolph.
Lvl 13
Pan's Labyrinth

I liked that movie.
Lvl 16
Sorry NG, I have one. since you didn't post one..

Who's House, Runs House.. I said who's house, Runs house
Lvl 21

"I'm teaching him how to drive, just for the hell of it. There's nothing else to do around here."
Lvl 27
No clue
Lvl 13
Originally posted by Firefly15


"I'm teaching him how to drive, just for the hell of it. There's nothing else to do around here."

The Gods Must Be Crazy.

Next up:
"No, not that. The bush, is biggest you ever seen, right?"
Lvl 21
I was starting to think this was a forgotten post. Good guess Naughty!

Your's is: Don't Mess With the Zohan

Next one: Abe, old buddy. We ever get outta this, we gotta talk.
Lvl 16
I can see the bushy eyebrows if its what I think it is, Just cant think of it though.

Thanx for keeping the thread alive in my absence everyone..
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