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Movie quotes guessing

Starter: RumDum Posted: 16 years ago Views: 7.7K
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Lvl 7
K here ya go...

Good. Bad. I'm the guy with the gun
Lvl 7
didn't know how ta make it yellow
Lvl 16
Originally posted by T/S

didn't know how ta make it yellow

Just go back one page and push the quote button on a post that someone did use yellow and look at the code they used. It's pretty easy.. You can change yellow with most colors..
Lvl 13
I know this one... Give me a bit. I can't remember the name of it right this second, but that's also on the soundtrack.
Lvl 13
Army of Darkness? I think.
Lvl 16
Never saw that one..
Lvl 7
yup yup u got it. your turn
Lvl 13
Ok. I wasn't sure if I had it right. Here's the next one:

You know what the gourmet here wanted? Hotdogs! You know what they're made of, Chet? Huh? Lips and assholes!
Lvl 16
I know this one, but Ill let others play... I love this movie
Lvl 13
I just made the kids watch it this past week. It was always one of my favorites.
Lvl 7
Originally posted by RumDum

I know this one, but Ill let others play... I love this movie

same here. plus i need more time ta think of a new quote lol
Lvl 13
You guys suck.
Lvl 3
great outdoors
Lvl 13
You got it. Your turn.
Lvl 3
I know it is a short one but it is from one of the best scenes in the movie.

Lvl 7
Same answer as I had erlier on - "Stand by me"
Lvl 8
FUCK THE YELLOW... use something with CONTRAST....
Lvl 16
"Do you want to scuba?"
Lvl 16
Lvl 3
along came polly?
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