You should have SEX on days that begin with T:
Every Thucking day!
Sex is:
like Nokia (connecting people)
like Nike (Just do it)
like Pepsi (ask for more)
like Coca Cola (Enjoy)
like me (too good to be true)
Send this message to 5 friends or you will have 5
years of bad sex!
Top 10 Places to have sex:
1. In your bed
2. In your parents bed
3. In his car
4. On a washing machine, while running
5. In a hot tub
6. On a beach, down in the sand
7. On a comfy couch with the TV on
8. On a waterbed
9. A plane bathroom
10. **In the rain**
Top 10 Places NOT to have sex:
1. In the movies
2. In a car... WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING!
3. In front of all of your friends
4. In a phonebooth
5. In your best friend's bed
6. At Grandma's house
7. At school
8. In your dirty basement
9. In the street
10. ON-LINE**
Top three things to say before having sex:
1. I love you (but only if you mean it)
2. Rock my world
3. Let's get ready to RUMBLE...
Top three things NOT to say before having sex:
1. Is this gunna hurt?
2. Sure....I've done this thousands of times...
3. Are you sure it's on there?
Top 3 things to say after sex:
1. Are you sure this was you're first time?
2. Gotta cigarette?
3. Wanna do it again?
Top 3 things NOT to say after sex:
1. That was IT??
2. I think I hear my mom calling me ---- see ya
3. OOPS, the condom broke! My bad!
Every Thucking day!
Sex is:
like Nokia (connecting people)
like Nike (Just do it)
like Pepsi (ask for more)
like Coca Cola (Enjoy)
like me (too good to be true)
Send this message to 5 friends or you will have 5
years of bad sex!
Top 10 Places to have sex:
1. In your bed
2. In your parents bed
3. In his car
4. On a washing machine, while running
5. In a hot tub
6. On a beach, down in the sand
7. On a comfy couch with the TV on
8. On a waterbed
9. A plane bathroom
10. **In the rain**
Top 10 Places NOT to have sex:
1. In the movies
2. In a car... WHILE YOU'RE DRIVING!
3. In front of all of your friends
4. In a phonebooth
5. In your best friend's bed
6. At Grandma's house
7. At school
8. In your dirty basement
9. In the street
10. ON-LINE**
Top three things to say before having sex:
1. I love you (but only if you mean it)
2. Rock my world
3. Let's get ready to RUMBLE...
Top three things NOT to say before having sex:
1. Is this gunna hurt?
2. Sure....I've done this thousands of times...
3. Are you sure it's on there?
Top 3 things to say after sex:
1. Are you sure this was you're first time?
2. Gotta cigarette?
3. Wanna do it again?
Top 3 things NOT to say after sex:
1. That was IT??
2. I think I hear my mom calling me ---- see ya
3. OOPS, the condom broke! My bad!