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Last one to post is the sexiest

Starter: Carrie_J Posted: 14 years ago Views: 23.2K
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Lvl 7
Hey guys and girls, here's a simple fun game... Just one easy rule: the person who posts last is the sexiest. For example; if I make a post then I'm the sexiest until someone else makes a post and becomes the sexiest.
* This post has been modified : 13 years ago
Lvl 7
Ha! This is the first post... I'm now the sexiest until someone else makes a post. he he
Lvl 22
Ha! I'm going to wait because I have no doubts
Lvl 7
Oh, well - I'll have to take the honours from you now...

Lvl 22
^^^ Not So

Lvl 7
Oh, yeah - it's so mine...
Lvl 22
There can only be one! I know who it is !
Lvl 7
Aww... You're sweet. I know you know it's me.

Lvl 26
Originally posted by Carrie_J

Aww... You're sweet. I know you know it's me.

Maybe you should add some photo to prove that!
Lvl 7
Originally posted by john-smith

...Maybe you should add some photo to prove that!

Ha! You sly fox you..

This is like one of Mr Poops threads where you have to think of a new fruit
Lvl 27
Move aside everyone cause I'm here now!
Not anymore, it's time for you to eat some humble pie and step down from your pedestal
Lvl 7
Lvl 27
Step aside,step aside I'm HERE again!
Have no fear, Sugarpie is here. Lol
Lvl 27
Once again you kind folks,step aside I'm here again
Lvl 7
Back to me...

Lvl 27
Folks,Please must I remind you,step aside I'm once again Here.
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